Compositions Gallery – Yearly Plan


Course Content:

15000+ Solved Composition topics on
Essay Writing, Autobiography, Report Writing, Debate Writing,
Story Writing, Speech Writing, Letter Writing, Expansion of Ideas(Proverbs),
Expansion of Idioms, Riddles with Answers,
Poem Writing and many more topics

Plus Access to the Daily Added Content




Premium Compositions Gallery

Explore boundless creativity with our exclusive Compositions Gallery, featuring a curated collection of 15,000+ solved compositions across a spectrum of writing genres. From compelling Essays and captivating Autobiographies to informative Reports, dynamic Debates, imaginative Stories, persuasive Speeches, heartfelt Letters, profound explorations of Proverbs and Idioms, engaging Riddles with Answers, and soulful Poems – our expansive library provides a wealth of writing inspiration. Whether you’re a student seeking guidance, a writer in need of prompts, or an enthusiast looking to delve into diverse writing styles, our Compositions Gallery is your ultimate resource for honing your writing skills and exploring the art of expression.

Explore Our Compositions Gallery Topics:

  1. Essay Writing
  2. Autobiography
  3. Report Writing
  4. Debate Writing
  5. Story Writing
  6. Speech Writing
  7. Letter Writing
  8. Expansion of Ideas (Proverbs)
  9. Expansion of Idioms
  10. Riddles with Answers
  11. Poem Writing

Importance of Compositions:

Compositions hold immense importance in various aspects of communication, education, and personal development. They serve as crucial tools for expressing ideas, conveying information, and fostering creativity. Here are some key points highlighting the importance of compositions:

Expression of Thoughts:

  1. Compositions provide a platform for individuals to articulate and express their thoughts, opinions, and emotions, allowing for effective communication.

Educational Tool:

In an academic context, writings enhance critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to organize and communicate ideas coherently, contributing to overall academic growth.

Communication Skills:

Writings such as essays, letters, and speeches, helps develop effective communication skills, both written and verbal, which are essential in professional and personal life.

Creativity and Imagination:

Story writing, poem writing, and other creative writings nurture imagination and creativity, fostering a deeper understanding of one’s inner self and the world around them.

Analytical Thinking:

Composing analytical pieces, such as reports and debates, promotes analytical thinking, problem-solving, and a structured approach to presenting information.

Language Proficiency:

Regular engagement in composition writing enhances language proficiency, vocabulary, and grammar, contributing to improved overall language skills.

Career Advancement:

Effective writing skills are often a prerequisite in many professions. Compositions play a vital role in career advancement by showcasing an individual’s ability to communicate and analyze information.


Autobiographies and reflective writings provide an opportunity for self-reflection, aiding personal growth and self-awareness.

Cultural and Historical Preservation:

Compositions, particularly those documenting events and experiences, contribute to the preservation of cultural and historical narratives for future generations.

Social Impact:

Persuasive writings, such as speeches and debates, can influence public opinion, raise awareness, and contribute to positive societal changes.

In essence, compositions are multifaceted tools that not only facilitate effective communication but also play a pivotal role in personal, academic, and professional development. They empower individuals to share their perspectives, contribute to knowledge, and connect with others in meaningful ways.