So Far, So Good: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “So far, so good” encapsulates the notion of progress and optimism while acknowledging the possibility of future obstacles. This expression indicates that things have been proceeding positively up until a particular moment or milestone. It suggests a level of satisfaction with the current situation, while also recognizing that circumstances could change.

Example 1:

For instance, let’s consider Emily, who recently embarked on her role as a lifeguard at the local community pool. Following a week of rigorous training, she felt apprehensive about her inaugural day on duty. When her friend inquired about her experience, Emily responded with cautious optimism, stating, the idiom. I’ve already assisted several children with their swimming techniques, and fortunately, no major incidents have occurred. However, I am fully aware that I still have much to learn.”

Example 2:

Similarly, let’s examine Joshua, who was preparing for his final exams, which would determine his overall semester grade. After completing two exams, his friend inquired about his confidence level. Joshua replied, “So far, so good. I’ve dedicated considerable time and effort to studying for these exams, and I believe I performed well. Nevertheless, there are a few more exams ahead, so I must maintain my momentum.”

The idiom can be employed in diverse situations to express both satisfaction with the progress achieved thus far and a sense of careful optimism. It acknowledges the potential existence of challenges or uncertainties in the future while emphasizing the positive outcomes that have been attained up to the present moment.

So Far So Good

Sentences on “So Far, So Good”

Timmy started his bicycle race and was asked how he was doing. He replied, “So far, so good! I’m pedaling fast and haven’t fallen off my bike yet.”

Emma was playing a video game and her friend asked how she was doing. She said, “So far, so good! I’ve defeated a few enemies and reached a higher level.”

Jake was building a tower with blocks and his mom asked how it was going. He answered, “So far, so good! My tower is getting taller and I haven’t knocked it down by accident.”

Lily was learning to swim and her swimming instructor asked how she felt in the water. She replied, “So far, so good! I’ve learned to float and kick my legs without sinking.”

Sarah was practicing her piano recital and her teacher asked how it was coming along. She said, “So far, so good! I’ve memorized the first few measures and can play them without mistakes.”

Alex was playing soccer with friends and they asked if he was having fun. He responded, “So far, so good! I scored a goal and our team is winning.”

Emily was drawing a picture and her dad asked how it was turning out. She said, “So far, so good! I’ve finished coloring the background and started adding details to the main subject.”

Ethan was baking cookies and his mom asked if they were turning out well. He replied, “So far, so good! The cookies are in the oven, and they’re starting to smell delicious.”

Olivia was taking care of her pet hamster, and her brother asked if it was healthy. She replied, “So far, so good! It’s been eating well and running on its exercise wheel.”

Ryan was building a model airplane and his friend asked if it was going smoothly. He said, “So far, so good! I’ve assembled the wings and tail, and it’s starting to look like a real plane.”

Amy was studying for her math test and her friend asked how she was doing. She replied, “So far, so good! I’ve solved the first few problems and understood the concepts.”

Max was preparing for a basketball game and his coach asked about his performance. He said, “So far, so good! I’ve made a few shots during practice and my dribbling skills are improving.”

Ava was working on her art project and her teacher asked how it was coming along. She answered, “So far, so good! I’ve sketched the outline and started adding colors to my drawing.”

Ben was training for a swimming competition and his coach asked about his progress. He responded, “So far, so good! I’ve been practicing my strokes and my lap times are improving.”

Mia was organizing a school event and her classmates asked how the preparations were going. She said, “So far, so good! We’ve booked the venue and started planning the activities.”

Liam was learning to play the guitar and his music teacher asked about his skills. He replied, “So far, so good! I’ve learned a few chords and can strum some simple songs.”

Sophie was writing a story for a writing competition and her mom asked how it was turning out. She said, “So far, so good! I’ve written the beginning and I’m developing the plot.”

Ethan was practicing his skateboard tricks and his friend asked if he was progressing. He replied, “So far, so good! I’ve landed a few new tricks and my balance is getting better.”

Olivia was training for a marathon and her running coach asked about her endurance. She said, “So far, so good! I’ve been increasing my mileage and I can run longer distances without getting tired.”

Lucas was building a model car and his dad asked if everything was going smoothly. He replied, “So far, so good! I’ve assembled the chassis and started painting the body.”

Emily had just started studying for her final exams and her friend asked how she was doing. She replied, “So far, so good! I’ve reviewed the first few chapters and feel confident in my understanding.”

Jake was training for a basketball tournament and his coach asked about his performance. He said, “So far, so good! I’ve been practicing my shots and my overall game is improving.”

Lily was working on her science project and her teacher asked how it was going. She answered, “So far, so good! I’ve conducted some experiments and collected data that supports my hypothesis.”

Alex was learning a new programming language and his mentor asked about his progress. He responded, “So far, so good! I’ve completed several coding exercises and I’m starting to grasp the fundamentals.”

Maya was rehearsing for a theater production and her director asked about her performance. She said, “So far, so good! I’ve memorized my lines and I’m working on perfecting my stage presence.”

Ethan was preparing for a debate competition and his coach asked about his research. He replied, “So far, so good! I’ve gathered evidence to support my arguments and I’m refining my delivery.”

Olivia was practicing her piano recital piece and her teacher asked how it was coming along. She replied, “So far, so good! I’ve mastered the first few sections and I’m working on adding expression to my playing.”

Ryan was training for a track and field event and his coach asked about his performance. He said, “So far, so good! I’ve been setting personal bests in my practice runs and my technique is improving.”

Ava was working on her art portfolio for a competition and her mentor asked how it was shaping up. She answered, “So far, so good! I’ve completed several pieces that showcase my skills and creativity.”

Lucas was learning to drive and his parents asked about his progress. He responded, “So far, so good! I’ve been practicing in a controlled environment and I’m becoming more comfortable behind the wheel.”

Sarah had just started her part-time job and her manager asked how she was adapting. She replied, “So far, so good! I’ve quickly learned the tasks and responsibilities, and I’m getting along well with my colleagues.”

Alex was in his final year of high school and his teacher asked about his college applications. He said, “So far, so good! I’ve submitted a few applications and received positive feedback from some of the universities.”

Emily was preparing for her driver’s license test and her instructor asked about her progress. She responded, “So far, so good! I’ve been practicing regularly and have successfully mastered most of the driving maneuvers.”

Jake was training for a marathon and his coach asked about his endurance. He replied, “So far, so good! I’ve been gradually increasing my mileage and haven’t experienced any major setbacks or injuries.”

Olivia was managing a school club and her advisor asked about their activities. She said, “So far, so good! We’ve organized a successful fundraising event and have been receiving positive feedback from the members.”

Ethan was working on a research project for his science class and his teacher asked about his findings. He answered, “So far, so good! I’ve conducted several experiments and the data I’ve collected is supporting my hypothesis.”

Lily was preparing for her college entrance exams and her tutor asked about her study plan. She responded, “So far, so good! I’ve covered most of the syllabus and I’m consistently scoring well on practice tests.”

Ryan was in his first year of university and his professor asked about his academic progress. He said, “So far, so good! I’ve been attending classes regularly, keeping up with assignments, and receiving positive feedback on my work.”

Maya was training for a dance competition and her choreographer asked about her performance. She replied, “So far, so good! I’ve been practicing the routines diligently and receiving praise for my technique and stage presence.”

Ava was pursuing her passion for photography and her mentor asked about her recent projects. She said, “So far, so good! I’ve had the opportunity to work on some exciting assignments and my photographs have been well-received by clients and peers.”