English Speaking at the Bakery – Speak Fluently

Improve your communication abilities and learn English speaking online so that you may freely talk with others. Two persons, such as a baker and a client, are seen in the video lesson below. They exchange greetings and talk about cakes while a customer orders a birthday cake for his father.

By going through the bakery vocabulary, you may improve your language abilities and use it in real-life scenarios. Speak eloquently and wow others with your communication abilities. Also, surprise your loved ones with beautiful birthday cakes.

All the Dialogues used in the English Speaking Video above

ordering cake at the bakery

Baker: Good morning Sir, aren’t you visiting us after a long time?
Justin: Hello Frank, hhmm.. no occasion no cake ha ha ha
Baker: Indeed Sir. What should I bake you today? I have improved designs as per every occasion. What is the celebration about?
Justin: My dad is turning 75 this Sunday and I wish to treat him with something that he will savor.
Baker: Well then, tell me which flavor would he relish?
Justin: He literally loves black forest very much but we get that almost every year.
Baker: Which means you wouldn’t want to repeat the same this year too.
Justin: Literally! But not understanding what that can be.
Baker: Never mind, let me help you in your selection.
Justin: That’s really nice of you.
Baker: Does he like fruits? Cause fruit cakes are always less sweet and therefore the best with loads of mixed fruits that make a healthy option.
Justin: Ah…yeah, he does love fruits but he eats fruits every day. I mean he won’t find anything special about that.
Baker: I guess you are right. Birthday should be really special.
Justin: Exactly. This birthday he should really feel pampered.
Baker: What about a photo cake? I think it will be just perfect for your dad. You can use your family photograph for it.
Justin: Oh no no no, that’s a bad suggestion.
Baker: If I may ask, why?
Justin: He belongs to old school and won’t like the idea of cutting a cake with a photograph and that too of the family on it.

english speaking at the bakery

Baker: Oh, that makes him a very sensitive person and I agree with you, photo cake is a bad option in this case.
Justin: We are going nowhere.
Baker: Will you mind if I ask you something personal?
Justin: Don’t hesitate. Please ask.
Baker: What profession did he pursue?
Justin: He is still into business and heads an IT company.
Baker: Wow! At 75 it’s impressing!
Justin: But what’s your point here?
Baker: I can bake a white forest computer cake for him. All his life he worked on the computer and now for the first time he will get a chance to eat the computer, isn’t it interesting?
Justin: (Smiles) You hit the bull’s eye; I like your idea. I’m sure he would love it too.
Baker: How much would it weigh? This is often calculated as per the number of invites you have sent and will share the cake with.
Justin: Just a few family members and friends so according to me not more than 25.
Baker: In that case 8-pound cake should be sufficient.
Justin: Okay that’s cool, and what do I pay for it?
Baker: Only 100 dollars. And when would you like it to be delivered to you?
Justin: That’s pretty reasonable. Here you go. 100 dollars in total advance. And I will pick it up on Sunday by afternoon maybe around 3. You don’t need to deliver it.
Baker: Thank you for the business Sir. No worries, I will keep it ready for you.
Justin: Thanks Frank.
Baker: Thank you Sir.

Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Occasion
Meaning: a specific event
Usage 1] When was the last time you had a special occasion?
Usage 2] It’s a joyous occasion.

Word: Savor
Meaning: to taste something and fully enjoy it
Usage 1] The soup had a savor of chicken.
Usage 2] To acquire the full flavor of this truffle, you must savor it.

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