Opening a Bank Account – Formal English Conversation

Maintaining business ties might become difficult if you don’t have the necessary knowledge and understanding of the English language. Thus, formal English may be applied in any reasonable scenario, particularly when interacting with professionals, wherever you visit.

Formal English or Business English, which differs from everyday conversational English, plays a vital role in our lives. Everyday English talks and Formal English Conversations are equally essential and should be given equal importance.

Dialogues in English used in the above Video Lesson on Formal English

opening a bank account conversation

Justin: Excuse me Ma’am.
Receptionist: Good morning Sir, how can I help you today?
Justin: Can you please help me with opening a savings account?
Receptionist: Sure sir, Mr. Kulkarni at counter number 12 at your extreme right should be able to guide you.   
Justin: Thanks. Good morning Mr. Kulkarni.

Mr. Kulkarni: Good morning sir, what can I do for you?
Justin: Can you please help me with opening a savings account?
Mr. Kulkarni: Sure, please have a seat. Do you wish to open an individual savings account or a joint savings account?
Justin: An individual savings account should work for me.
Mr. Kulkarni: Very well then, please fill up this form in block letters.
Justin: Can I borrow a pen please?
Mr. Kulkarni: Here you go. Let me know if you need any assistance.
Justin: Do I need to furnish any documents with this form?
Mr. Kulkarni: Two passport size photographs along with the photo copies of the documents in the list.

at the bank vocabulary

Justin: Hhmm, seems I have them all. Here they are.
Mr. Kulkarni: Great! Your account will get activated within the next 24 hours and you will be notified via SMS.
Justin: Sounds good. And when will I be receiving the cheque book and passbook?
Mr. Kulkarni: You will receive them at your registered postal address within next 7 days.
Justin: Perfect.
Mr. Kulkarni: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Justin: I need you to activate internet and mobile banking and I should be fine.
Mr. Kulkarni: Ah, those get activated only when your account is functional.
Justin: Oh, okay I got it.
Mr. Kulkarni: Do you have any more questions?
Justin: No, I guess. Thanks for your help sir. I really appreciate your time.
Mr. Kulkarni: You are most welcome. Have a great day ahead.

Related English Vocabulary in the Formal English Video

Word: Excuse me
Meaning: used mainly to seek one’s attention
Usage i] Excuse me for interrupting you.
Usage ii] Excuse me, do you have a moment?

Word: Counter
Meaning: a flat long surface for official work in the bank
Usage i] Where can I find the money exchange counter?
Usage ii] Please deposit the cash at the counter number 5.

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