Withdrawing cash from an ATM – Casual English Conversation
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All of the dialogues from the above Casual English Video Lesson
Sudha: Justin, I am going to the bank. I will be back in few hours.
Justin: Is there something important that you are going to the bank?
Sudha: I need some cash for daily household need and don’t have sufficient cash with me.
Justin: Ok, but why don’t you use your ATM card to withdraw the cash. It’s easy and you don’t need to even visit the bank for it. That will save your time.
Sudha: I agree with you Justin, but I don’t know how to use the ATM card to withdraw the cash. I have never done it before.
Justin: No issues, I will demonstrate you on how to use it for your transaction. Once you get the gist of it then you can manage it all by yourself.
Sudha: Ok, that sounds good.
Justin: So come on lets go to the nearest ATM. Take your ATM card along with you.
Sudha: Yes, I have it with me.
Justin: Good. By the way, do you remember your ATM pin? We will need that too.
Sudha: I don’t remember it, as I never used it but I have the ATM pin letter with me, which I had received from the bank.
Justin: That’s perfect.
Sudha: Oh, there’s a queue outside the ATM, I guess we will have to wait for some time.
Justin: Yes, during rush hours we often see the long queue here.
Sudha: Why don’t we check with the other ATM?
Justin: I guess, it will be better to wait here.
Sudha: Ok, now there are only two people left before us.
Justin: Come let’s get inside.
Sudha: Now show me, how to withdraw the money?
Justin: Now first insert the card here and wait, now select your preferred language from the displayed options on the screen.
Sudha: Ok, but how should I select the option?
Justin: It’s a touch screen system, so just click on the text displayed on the screen.
Sudha: Ok, I understood now.
Justin: Now select your transaction type as withdrawal, and then select your account type as savings.
Sudha: Ok I am doing it.
Justin: Now on the next screen, the system will ask you to feed in the amount, which you want to withdraw.
Sudha: Yes, it’s asking me to type the amount, how shall I type here on the screen?
Justin: Use the dial pad to type the amount, which is located at the bottom of the screen. Now the system will ask you for the pin.
Sudha: Yes, it’s asking me to type the pin.
Justin: So type the pin there using the same dial pad
Sudha: Ok, now it’s asking me to confirm.
Justin: Yes, after typing the pin, the system will always ask you for the confirmation, so select yes to confirm your transaction.
Sudha: Ok. I confirm now.
Justin: Ok, now wait.
Sudha: Oh, it’s showing some error on the screen.
Justin: Please read the error.
Sudha: Your transaction failed. Incorrect pin. Try again.
Justin: I think there was a typo at your end.
Sudha: So now what?
Justin: Never mind, repeat all the steps and this time type the correct pin.
Sudha: Ok.
Justin: And remember that if you fail to type correct pin for 3 times then your ATM card will be blocked for that entire day and you will not be able to use it for any transactions.
Sudha: Oh, I did not know about this, thanks for informing me.
Justin: Now try again and be careful this time with your pin.
Sudha: Sure.
Justin: Do you need any help?
Sudha: No, I still remember all the steps and whatever you told me.
Justin: Good.
Sudha: Wow, look here, I just withdrew the cash.
Justin: Great, now you can withdraw cash any time without any hassle.
Sudha: It’s amazing. Thanks for helping Justin.
Justin: My pleasure.
Casual English Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Household
Meaning: house and it’s occupants considered as a unit
Usage i] I was occupied with my household work.
Usage ii] I wish I can have a robot to perform my household tasks.
Word: Withdraw
Meaning: remove or take away something
Usage i] I’d like to withdraw some money.
Usage ii] Henry withdrew ten thousand dollars from his account.
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