Business Conversational English
This video teaches you how to have a business discussion, and the Premium material that goes with it helps you learn English terminology for business communication. You’ve come to the proper spot if you’re in business and want to develop your personality by impressing your business community by speaking classy.
It’s the ideal moment to learn Business English so you can improve your business communication skills and then you can communicate with your partners and international clients.
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All of the dialogues from the Business English Video Lesson

Kyle: Hey Justin, are you tied up?
Justin: Not really. Do you want to talk about something?
Kyle: Since past few days, I have some business related small talk up on my mind. Something worth discussing.
Justin: Seems interesting. I am all ears.
Kyle: So, I was wondering which elements distinguish online from offline business and which one is more beneficial.
Justin: Hmm…. Now that needs some serious deliberation (smiles). You can’t call it a small talk.
Kyle: Well anyways, let’s discuss on it briefly. I really want to know.
Justin: Uh…. Not sure if I can meet your expectations. I am not into business, you see. By the way, why are you so keen about it?
Kyle: I have a Startup idea and therefore I need to figure this out, earlier the better. Don’t want to burn my fingers and repent later.
Justin: Makes sense. So, uh…. the least I can do is tell you my opinion. Would that be fine?
Kyle: Of course, buddy! Tell me all that you fathom.
Justin: So, first things first, if you strategically set up a shop online then money just keeps rolling in.
Kyle: (smiles) It’s so true and that excites me about it.
Justin: Hey boy, breathe a little. Here when I say strategy, it’s very complex. So, money isn’t going to just pour like that.
Kyle: I get it. So, what about offline business? How do you look at it?
Justin: While online business is more about strategy, offline business is more about hard work.

Kyle: I am not sure I got this right.
Justin: I mean, to cater the customers, you need to physically present yourself for at least 12 hours each day while running an offline shop.
Kyle: But doesn’t online business require hard work too?
Justin: It does but with automation in place most online business processes are seamlessly manageable without much human involvement.
Kyle: Justin, discussing this topic with you has reinforced my belief in online business(smiles). Thanks mate.
Justin: But I must warn you Kyle.
Kyle: About what?
Justin: While offline business requires more hard work it’s still easy to make modest amount of income in comparison to online business.
Kyle: There you are. Did I miss something?
Justin: According to my understanding hard work is easier than creating a successful strategy. You get what I mean?
Kyle: Oh, now I clearly get where you are coming from.
Justin: Exactly. Developing a strategy is an expertise which comes with experience and passion and it cannot be taken for granted.
Kyle: I totally agree with you Justin. Before I move ahead with my start up idea, I now have to do some thorough introspection about my personal traits.
Justin: You are going well.
Kyle: Yes, and only once I get my answers, I will decide between the two.
Justin: Way to go Kyle! (smiles)
Kyle: You made my day mate. Thanks a lot.
Business English Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Tied up
Meaning: busy
Usage 1] I’m sorry but I’m tied up currently.
Usage 2] Henry was tied up in a few tasks.
Word: Worth
Meaning: value
Usage 1] It’s not worth continuing.
Usage 2] It occurred to me that it might be worth something.
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