Talk about Advantages of Homeschooling

Everyone was forced into the realm of online education as a result of the pandemic. Bringing the issue under control over the course of a few months did result in a shift in the educational system. The majority of educated parents began to entertain the idea of homeschooling their children. Because it highlights the advantages of homeschooling in real life, this video serves as an excellent English lesson not only for kids but also for the parents who are responsible for their education. Despite the fact that homeschooling is a great option for many families, it is not the best option for all families.

However, in order to accomplish greater long-term objectives, children should only consider pursuing this path if they are exceptionally gifted, incredibly self-motivated, and exceptionally good at communicating with others while also having the support of educated parents. Talk to your children and listen to what they have to say since they too can have their own points of view, which of course can be unique and odd at times but are in no way incorrect at all.

All of the dialogues from Advantages of Homeschooling Video


Justin: Hi George! I haven’t seen you in ages!
George: I know. But we did bump in finally you see.
Justin: True that, never expected I’d find you away from home at this place. By the way, have you dropped out of school?
George: No way! I am being homeschooled.
Justin: Ah! You must be the only one in our class, aren’t you?
George: Quite possible but I am not sure.
Justin: What made you take this decision?
George: I got lucky. A music label approached me and asked me if I’d be ready to join them. I am glad, I agreed.
Justin: Whoa, this is great news. I am happy for you. When did this happen?
George: Somewhere in the middle of the year.
Justin: I see, and maybe homeschooling is letting you balance both academics and your passion.
George: You got that right. However, it wasn’t an easy transition.
Justin: Would you like to share your experience?
George: Sure. Initially it was just impossible to study at home. I mean, I always kept getting distracted.

advantages of homeschooling

Justin: How did you reach out a solution to it? I am curious to know.
George: Probably with time I was able to adapt to the new way of living.
Justin: You’re great George. Way to go boy! When are you performing your first gig?
George: At the end of this academic year. We are going to tour 3 countries.
Justin: That will surely make you famous. Don’t ever forget me in the process. (Smiles)
George: Of course not. I’ll reach you out when I am back.
Justin: That’ll be quite rare now. You have taken the plunge my friend.
George: Well, that’s true. But I get this feeling that you are up to something too.
Justin: Yes, you guessed it right. I have started getting really busy with my YouTube channel and the school takes up a lot of time.
George: I see. You must figure a way out of it!
Justin: Exactly what I was going to say. Should I homeschool too?
George: If you are thinking to make your career as a youtuber then I guess homeschooling should be the best option.
Justin: What happens to my parents? Will they allow me?
George: You need to consult your parents and take them into confidence.
Justin: That makes sense. Thanks man. I’ll let you know if this goes well.
George: I am sure it will. Don’t worry.
Justin: Thanks mate.

Advantages of Homeschooling Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Homeschooled
Meaning: receiving education at home instead of attending school
Usage 1: My neighbor is homeschooled because she lives in a remote area.
Usage 2: My cousin was homeschooled due to medical reasons.

Word: Music label
Meaning: a company that produces and promotes music
Usage 1: The music label signed a new artist last week.
Usage 2: The music label promoted the release of their latest album on social media.

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