English Speaking Practice – At The Library
No one can refute the fact that we all like reading. Our first instructor when we were children was a book, which taught us a lot of new words. It catches the attention of children, and they gradually come to enjoy their night reading time. Reading comprehension skills improve as a result of this process, and children begin to love reading English independently. In a nutshell, this is the first and most crucial stage of English speaking practice.
As a result, we continue to frequent our school library, then our college library, and perhaps even the public library in our neighborhood. When we go to the library now, we run across a variety of personnel, including librarians, library assistants, support technicians, and janitors. And, most significantly, we run across pals who are engrossed in a good book.
Learn how to communicate with others when visiting the library by watching this video. Check out our Video English Lesson based on Library English to improve your general vocabulary. In addition, frequent English speaking practice will go a long way toward helping you understand English.
All of the dialogues in the English Speaking Practice Video Lesson
Justin: Hey Tony, what are you doing here? Are you fond of reading too? Never thought I would bump into you at a library.
Tony: You are so right. In fact, hardly anyone knows that I love reading. Maybe, since I am so much into outdoor activities.
Justin: Maybe. Your outdoor engagements must be overshadowing your indoor interests and thus everybody believes what they see.
Tony: By the way, I came here to pick a book but am confused, not even one seems to interest me. Can you help me find one?
Justin: Hmm…. Maybe you overlooked. If it were me, I would dig the place a bit more until I find something that I like.
Tony: Anyways, which book are you reading?
Justin: Deadly Monsters.
Tony: Oh…. I was searching for something similar. Which section of the library keeps those kinds of books?
Justin: You can walk up to that corner and have a look. Not sure if they have something similar but I am getting this book issued today. And will return it the next Friday.
Tony: Probably, I’ll get it issued immediately once you return it. In the meantime, I will try reading something I never laid my hands on. Who knows, it might just tickle my interest.
Justin: By the way, that’s how we made this far, right?
Tony: What do you mean by that?
Justin: I mean, we are avid readers today because initially we were exposed to different types of stories, irrespective of who wrote them.
Tony: Yes, you are absolutely correct.
Justin: Then doesn’t it mean that now we need to follow a similar approach and be open to reading all types of genres from different authors?
Tony: I get you now. You are so right. I’ll be back in a moment with something new.
Justin: I’m here. Take your time.
Tony: Hey look what have I found!
Justin: Is it something that makes sense to you?
Tony: It’s very close. It’s a book about a ferocious dinosaur war!
(The bell rings)
Tony: Oh no, I must get this book issued immediately. Otherwise, I might never get it. Let’s go to the librarian’s desk.
Justin: Hurry up. We shouldn’t be late for our class.
Tony: By the way, even you have to get your book issued.
Justin: Oh God, I almost forgot about it. I got so engrossed helping you.
Tony: I understand. But honestly speaking, you really helped me reach a conclusion.
English Speaking Practice Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Fond
Meaning: having a feeling for something
Usage 1] Sam is fond of books.
Usage 2] Lucy was not fond of reading.
Word: Bump
Meaning: collide with someone or something
Usage 1] I bumped into your friend the other day.
Usage 2] Yesterday, I bumped into Victor in the mall.
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