Internet Vocabulary and Dialogues in English

The best instructional video concentrating on internet vocabulary and associated dialogues in English. Internet use has become extremely widespread in recent years, to the point that virtually every individual on the face of the world makes extensive use of it. Additionally, the younger generation is eager to acquire knowledge regarding it because they are expected to be the consumers of the internet in the foreseeable future. Due to the fact that we are experienced internet users, it is our duty to educate younger generations on all things related to the internet. The Internet is extremely helpful but also quite susceptible, and users of the dark web may and do spy on others.

Therefore, having open communication with young children has the potential to have a very positive influence, as it will allow the children to openly express their questions and get an understanding of the ethical and unethical ways to use the internet. As a result, I decided to create a tutorial on how to talk to people about the internet, which turned out to be an excellent English conversation lesson for children.

All of the dialogues from Internet Vocabulary and Dialogues Video

internet vocabulary and dialogues in English

Jason: Justin, are you busy with something?
Justin: Not really. Tell me what’s the matter?
Jason: Actually, I’m not able to join my online classes. Please can you help me with it?
Justin: Sure, let me check.
Jason: Okay.
Justin: I’m afraid, your internet is down. You cannot attend your classes today.
Jason: But if my computer is working perfectly fine, so shouldn’t that be sufficient to log into my classes?
Justin: No. You still need access to the internet to do so.
Jason: Please elaborate. I am not sure if I get that.
Justin: To attend live classes you need internet connectivity which acts as a medium to connect your computer to the remote server where your classes are hosted.
Jason: I don’t think so I’m getting you.
Justin: The internet is also known as world wide web (www) that is connected to your computer and therefore you can access vast amount of information available and linked with the web.
Jason: Okay, but we can send email without internet connectivity, right?
Justin: No kiddo, you cannot access anything from the web neither transmit any information via it, if you have no internet connectivity.
Jason: I’m very much surprised. I never knew all this.
Justin: I’m glad that you are understanding it.
Jason: I have a question.
Justin: Please ask.
Jason: Do we get internet while buying the computer?
Justin: (smiles) No, we don’t get it by default with the computers. There are many service providers available in the market those who offer internet subscription plans.

internet vocabulary

Jason: Okay, once I buy it, does it last for lifetime?
Justin: No. As I mentioned earlier the internet service providers offer internet subscription plans on a monthly or annual basis. This needs to be renewed accordingly as long as you require the internet connection.
Jason: Oh My God, this is too much to understand.
Justin: Not exactly but this is how it works.
Jason: But then do we need to buy separate internet plans for separate devices? Such as PC, laptop and mobile.
Justin: Not really. If you go with a broadband internet connection then you get a router with it and via wi-fi you can have internet on all the devices in the specific radius of the router.
Jason: You mean anyone can use the internet on any device when close to the router?
Justin: Yes, but only when they know the user name and password of your connection.
Jason: Hhmm, seems logical. Maybe this is to keep the connection safe from unauthorized use.
Justin: Indeed. You got it.
Jason: But then how does dad access the internet when he is out and away from the router?
Justin: That is because he has activated mobile data pack for his mobile, hence he can access the internet while on the go.
Jason: Wonderful. Can you please help me in creating my email account? I wish to send some messages to my classmates.
Justin: Sorry kiddo, not until you are 13. Have patience till then.
Jason: Oh, I’m so sad.
Justin: Ha ha ha.

Internet Vocabulary and Dialogues Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Online classes
Meaning: Internet-based educational sessions
Usage 1: I attend my online classes every day at 10 am.
Usage 2: Online classes have become increasingly popular due to the pandemic.

Word: Internet
Meaning: Global network for information sharing
Usage 1: I cannot imagine life without the internet.
Usage 2: The internet allows us to access information from all over the world.

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