Conversation in English about Your Studies – Talk English
Improve your communication abilities by learning to speak English. Future planning can be simplified by sharing in the appropriate manner and at the appropriate time. Learn & talk English while also learning common vocabulary terms with definitions. Regular English speaking practice will assist you in overcoming any obstacles and facilitating everyday conversation.
When you’re having problems with your academics, talk about them, your situation, and your doubts. Every student want to pursue further education overseas, and in order to do so, he or she must pass a language competency exam and receive a satisfactory score. Students with a high degree of English language competence, on the other hand, always outperform the requirements. Start increasing your English vocabulary now with our English lessons, which will help you improve your English speaking abilities in no time.
All of the Dialogues used in the English Video Lesson above
Justin: Hey Bob, now that the results are out isn’t it relieving?
Bob: I feel the same. Thank God we made it through.
Justin: The exams were quite difficult. But I am glad after all.
Bob: Yeah, but you are invincible. Do you really understand all the concepts?
Justin: Uh…. honestly speaking, No.
Bob: Then how do you always score so good?
Justin: I simply mug up the answers! That’s the easiest way to learn.
Bob: So, you mean you just by heart all the questions and answers word to word? You don’t actually understand the concepts at all, do you?
Justin: Exactly! Conceptual learning just takes too much of my time. It is one of the main reasons you are better than me in Maths (smiles)
Bob: Yeah, thanks. But as a friend, I must tell you something. If you move on with this kind of an approach, you won’t be able to score well in higher studies.
Justin: And, why is that?
Bob: Because, by then, there will be too many chapters and mugging up all the answers is humanly impossible! Understanding the concepts will be much easier in comparison.
Justin: I think, you’re right. But rote learning is useful sometimes too!
Bob: And how is that?
Justin: Well, when we speak about definitions and formulas, most often we need to make the exact sense as the original. Missing out even a single word might change the entire meaning.
Bob: I totally agree. I’m not denying that.
Justin: I know. What you are saying is to balance between both the methods of studying.
Bob: Exactly. Because balancing the two will help you for the rest of your life to score well, at the same time to apply the logics in real life situations. Don’t you think it would?
Justin: Of course, my friend. Thanks for guiding me. If I start now, I will get habituated within the next one or two years.
Bob: And bro, as it is you are the best among us. If you develop this practice then I am sure you might come out as one of the best in the country. And believe me, I am not kidding.
Justin: True mate. Thanks a lot, I will start working on this approach starting at the very beginning of our next term.
Bob: My pleasure. And mark my words if you follow it seriously you are going to be famous one day.
Justin: You were always so supportive Bob. I appreciate it and I owe you on this.
Talk in English Lesson Related Vocabulary
Word: Relieved
Meaning: pleased with something
Usage 1] Cynthia was relieved to hear that.
Usage 2] You’ll be relieved to learn that you did well on the exams.
Word: Invincible
Meaning: too strong to be overcome
Usage 1] He was invincible in every way.
Usage 2] I’m perfect and invincible!
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