Top 5 Essays on My Mother for Students / Teachers / Parents

We are offering the Top 5 Essay on “My Mother” designed to help students understand the topic in a simple and unique way. These essays provide a great educational resource for both teachers and parents alike. Whether you’re a student in need of help with your school compositions, a teacher looking for materials to teach your students, or a parent who wants to guide your kids with their exams, our essays are the perfect solution. With easy to understand language and clear explanations, our essays will surely benefit everyone.

My Mother Essay 1 –

Essay on My Mother

essay on my mother in english

My mother is the backbone of our family and the best mother one could ask for. Although she is a homemaker and spends most of her time at home, she is the busiest person in our family. She takes care of everyone in the family, and ensures that our needs are met. Whether it’s cooking our favorite meals or making sure we’re comfortable, she’s always there for us.

My mother has an amazing memory and never forgets our likes and dislikes. She knows exactly what we all like to eat, what kind of clothes we like to wear, and what our interests are. She always goes above and beyond to make sure we’re happy. She even makes an effort to learn about new things and activities so she can share them with us and make sure we’re always entertained.

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