Speak English – Making an Invitation for a Birthday Party in English

An example of an English discussion between friends is shown in this video. Invite pals to a birthday celebration in a casual English chat. Learn to speak English effectively by watching our English video lesson and inviting your friends or coworkers to your next birthday celebration. As a result, brush up on your English vocabulary and communication abilities. In addition, to win your guests’ hearts, be a kind and compassionate host and create a magnificent and beautiful invitation. The best invites always result in a flawless and successful event.

All of the dialogues in the English Video Lesson above

speak english for inviting friends

Justin: Hi Tushar.
Tushar: Hey Justin, it’s been ages, where were you buddy? You were not in contact for almost what? A year or so?
Justin: True mate, that’s because, I was out of country. Now I am back.
Tushar: I wasn’t aware of it and I tried reaching you on your number multiple times but couldn’t get through.
Justin: It’s because I didn’t plan for it. It was my dad’s sudden and unexpected decision and we had a bad mobile network there.
Tushar: The least you could have done is dropped me a line.
Justin: Anyways, let bygones be bygones my dear friend. And I am so sorry about it.
Tushar: Okay let’s catch up over lunch tomorrow? What do you say?
Justin: No bro, we can keep that for some other day.
Tushar: Why, are you going busy?
Justin: Actually, I am inviting you to my birthday party over this weekend. And need to do lot of arrangements too.
Tushar: Fantastic. But this time too isn’t it at your place? Now that we are grown up, I guess it will be very awkward when your parents are around.
Justin: Don’t worry, they are very cool and I know they won’t mind it.
Tushar: Are you sure?

speak english online

Justin: Of course, in fact, they are the ones who suggested me this.
Tushar: In that case, I am in. I wonder if parents change their perspective when back from a foreign trip? (Sarcastically)
Justin: I bet it does. Moreover, they said, we can have fun all through the night. In case if you wish, you can stay overnight.
Tushar: Woah, will you be able to accommodate all of us?
Justin: Easily and it would be my pleasure.
Tushar: Perfect.
Justin: Don’t forget this Saturday at 07:00 pm at my place.
Tushar: Yeah buddy, I am so excited.
Justin: By the way where is Tanya? I wanted to invite her too.
Tushar: She is attending her chemistry lecture so she will be back in 30 or 40 minutes.
Justin: Okay, no issues. I will speak to her later, I need to rush now.
Tushar: Where are you heading?
Justin: I am going to the airport to receive my elder sister.
Tushar: Wow, isn’t she returning back from Australia?
Justin: Yes, she topped her graduation and now flying back home after 4 years.
Tushar: So impressive, she is so talented. I am afraid if we can even aspire to follow her path.
Justin: So true, we are so dumb. I got to go now. See you on Saturday.
Tushar: Sure.
Justin: Bye.

Related English Vocabulary to Speak English Fluently

Word: Buddy
Meaning: a close friend
Usage i] Catch you tomorrow, buddy!
Usage ii] Hey, buddy! Is this your wallet?

Word: Mate
Meaning: fellow member
Usage i] Have you got some money, mate?
Usage ii] Sorry to bother you mate.

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