How to Speak English Easily when Discussing Chess

This is a fantastic and cerebral game that a large number of people like. It’s the ideal game for a father and son, two friends, two brothers, or two coworkers to play together. In the video lesson below, three friends have a nice chat about meeting up after a long period. One of them is also grumbling about not being able to play the game on a regular basis. When you’re with your pals, the greatest method to learn to speak English easily is to start communicating. Friends are friends, and they never pass judgement. Watch our English lesson to discover how to speak English easily when discussing chess or any other game.

Everyone is concerned about how to speak English easily and fluently, but it is no longer a tough task. Our video courses will show you how to easily communicate with your friends and family.

The dialogues used in the How to Speak English Easily video above

english conversation about chess

Phil: Hey Justin, do you know when was the last time we sat down and spoke over a game of chess?
Justin: Are you kidding, do you still remember the date?
Phil: No, not exactly, but it’s almost been a year.
Justin: Man, that’s quite a long time! I might’ve even lost the hang of it by now.
Phil: Of what? Chess?
Justin: Yeah, that’s the only indoor game I like to play and I can’t risk losing my touch.
Phil: True, it’s quite an intellectual game and forgetting it equates to sin (smiling).
Fred: Hey Guys!
Justin: Hey Fred!
Phil: What’s up!
Fred: Were you guys discussing something?
Phil: Old memories about chess. And the sense it makes to play it again right now.
Fred: Fantastic. I am a regular at it. And I enjoy being that way.
Phil: Yes, I know. So how about laying the board and while at it will you guys love to sip some coffee?
Justin: That’s a refreshing thought. Please go, fetch it quickly.
Fred: I guess we have run into a problem here.
Justin: And what is it?

how to speak english easily

Fred: Only two people can play this game.
Justin: Hmmm……. You are right, but maybe you could have a look at the way we play, right?
Fred: Yes, it’s quite interesting when you watch a game from two different perspectives.
Phil: Here’s the coffee.
Justin: Now, let’s arrange the board.
Fred: Uh… I see two white pawns missing.
Phil: Is it? Where could’ve I lost them?
Fred: Hey there! I see you’re sitting over them.
Phil: Oh, silly me. Its fine.

(They arrange the pieces)

Phil: Just before beginning, I must make a point here. It has been almost a year since we played this game, therefore I am not confident enough.
Justin: Oh, come on Phil, we are just playing for the sake of it. I bet; you’ll do good.
Phil: I shall try my best. And you should too.
Justin: Sure, lets re-live the game once more.
Phil: Indeed. Let’s bring back the old memories once again. (smiles)

Vocabulary from the video how to speak English easily

Word: Kidding
Meaning: joking
Usage i] He was only kidding anyway.
Usage ii] She was always kidding about it.

Word: Remember
Meaning: to keep in mind
Usage i] I don’t remember any of the rules.
Usage ii] She doesn’t remember it at all.

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