Talking About Football in English

Encourage your kids to participate in sports activities that will keep their mind and body fit all of the time. It is more vital to participate in sports than it is to win or lose. However, by chatting to them about that specific sport, you can still motivate and assist them in winning. Any sport can keep you fit, and currently, children choose football. So, because no one can understand everything about football on their own. Lend a helping hand and start talking about football in English so that you can answer their questions while also tickling their minds on how to understand the language. Practical knowledge is really important, therefore do not pass up this opportunity to assist children with both football and English.

All dialogues from Talking about Football in English Video Above

talking about football

Jason: Justin, that was epic!
Justin: Was it?
Jason: Yes, of course! Your team is destined to win this way.
Justin: I am optimistic about it. We have worked a lot to get our game right.
Jason: Indeed. By the way, I miss the bicycle kick. A year has passed by but I don’t see anyone in your team deliver that kick anymore.
Justin: My little brother, there is only one boy out here who could deliver that kick. Having him made us unbeatable.
Jason: And who is he? If I may ask.
Justin: His name is Chris. He would lead our team. Most of the tournaments that we have won are all because of him.
Jason: So, where is he now?
Justin: Well, in one of our matches in the past the opponents took him down.
Jason: When he was such a tough guy how could they get him so easily?
Justin: The opponents identified our strength, that was Chris.
Jason: Was it pre-planned?
Justin: Obviously.
Jason: Oh no. That’s bad.
Justin: Yes, unfortunately after that, I had to lead the team. And since none of us had ever expected to play a football match without Chris, we were broken. As a result, they won the last year’s city tournament.
Jason: Your team never lost before, so it must be quite a jolt back then.
Justin: It was evident. And after that, Chris quit playing football.

sports vocabulary

Jason: Oh no, that’s unfortunate. Then how did you guys pick yourselves up to reach the same level of standards again?
Justin: Well, it was very hard for me to catch up to the level of Chris. Anyways, somehow, it’s good to see that our team is back in place again.
Jason: But what if someone injures you too? Won’t your team suffer once again?
Justin: It won’t matter much.
Jason: Why not?
Justin: Because each of my teammates are well trained. When on the ground we all work as a team.
Jason: Work as a team? But when Chris would lead wasn’t the situation similar?
Justin: No, it wasn’t. We all would concentrate on Chris alone as we had confidence in his flawless moves.
Jason: What has changed with you taking over?
Justin: After what we had been through, I decided to dismiss solo moves and concentrate on team strength instead of any particular individual player.
Jason: And how will that help?
Justin: I’m sure it will. This time if any of us gets injured, the player replacing him will be almost equal in skill and we will be in total control of the game.
Jason: Great strategy Justin! Hats off to you! I comprehend now. Summersault kick is not all that matters but team spirit does.
Justin: But don’t you worry. I shall learn it for you.
Jason: Thanks Justin! You know what? I feel such antiques keep the audience spirit high.
Justin: I understand. (smiles)

Talking about Football in English Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Epic
Meaning: heroic or enormous in scale
Usage 1] Their match on Campus Today was epic.
Usage 2] I skipped my epic in order to win this match.

Word: Destined
Meaning: something is bound to happen
Usage 1] His destined profession is footballer.
Usage 2] He was destined to be a sportsman.

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