Basic English for Kids: Brushing Teeth While Wearing Braces

Dental problems are stressful, and it’s especially painful for children. No matter what we do, children who are in discomfort, particularly those who are wearing braces, suffer. Basic English for kids to learn simple English conversation, as well as for parents who attempt to aid them while they’re in pain. The most effective approach to learn basic English is to watch videos online and practice the conversations in real-life situations.

All the Dialogues used in the above Video of Basic English for Kids

talking about dental braces

Mom: Good morning Justin.
Justin: Good morning mom.
Mom: What happened Justin? You look tired, are you alright?
Justin: No, I couldn’t sleep the whole night.
Mom: Why? Was something bothering you?
Justin: I wasn’t feeling comfortable due to these braces.
Mom: Oh, don’t worry, you will be fine.
Justin: I don’t think so. It’s really irritating.
Mom: Don’t overthink. The irritation will gradually soothe away with time.
Justin: No mom, it’s actually hurting me.
Mom: Trust me and follow me, you will really feel nice in some time.
Justin: Okay, I trust you.
Mom: That’s like my brave boy.

everyday english

Justin: Mom, do you remember the instructions doctor gave me to handle this pain?
Mom: How can I forget it; I do remember every word of it.
Justin: Okay, then tell me what shall I do now?
Mom: First, gargle with plain water so that the food particles come out of your mouth easily.
Justin: Hhmm, it’s done, what next?
Mom: Now, rinse your toothbrush with water and brush your teeth gently.
Justin: Can’t I brush without rinsing the toothbrush?
Mom: Hhmm, that’s not a good idea, rinsing the toothbrush is one of the best practices towards maintaining oral health.
Justin: Okay, as you say mom. What to do when I eat something while I am out and without a toothbrush?
Mom: In that case you must rigorously gargle with water.
Justin: Hhmm… seems to be easy.
Mom: Remember these instructions and you should be fine.
Justin: You are the best mom.
Mom: Now gently swish with your regular mouthwash and that’s all.
Justin: Oh mom, thank you so much, you really sorted this out. I am actually feeling good.
Mom: I am happy for you.

Basic English for Kids Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Whole
Meaning: entire
Usage i] I took the whole day off to visit the dentist.
Usage ii] I ate a whole lot of chocolates and got toothache.

Word: Bother
Meaning: causing the trouble to do something
Usage i] I don’t let anything bother me.
Usage ii] Something was bothering me.

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