English Conversation about Air Pollution
It is necessary for us to have a conversation about air pollution at this time. It is the most infuriating circumstance that exists everywhere in the world since each and every person is getting harmed by the negative impacts of air pollution. Furthermore, there is now no remedy to help us avoid getting it. As a result, we should all get together to discuss the ways in which we can permanently bring this problem under control and work to gain a deeper understanding of it. Otherwise, the air our children and grandchildren breathe will include poison, and they won’t be able to enjoy activities that take place outside. And the dust mask is going to be their best buddy forever.
All of the dialogues from Conversation about Air Pollution video
Justin: Hey Billy, what’s up!
Billy: Hey there Justin…
Justin: Wait a sec; were you playing the piano? Hope I didn’t cause any disturbance…
Billy: Of course not. Come have a seat.
Justin: Oh wow, this room is so breezy man!
Billy: Yeah, benefits of having a large window.
Justin: Back in our city, whether you have a large window or not, it doesn’t really work.
Billy: But we are also blessed with many trees here.
Justin: Exactly! We hardly have any trees left at my place.
Billy: Intensifying industry processes and the ever-growing population have a direct impact on the existence of trees.
Justin: True. All the cities world over are in a similar situation.
Billy: This development has started causing health issues to children and the elderly living in metros.
Justin: Sooner or later everyone will be sailing in the same boat.
Billy: It’s really sad. No one seems to be willing to take this matter seriously.
Justin: I know. But it’s not a one-man job either.
Billy: True that.
Justin: The entire city has to stand against the eradication of trees and consider taking up an initiative to grow more trees.
Billy: But then, your city won’t be as developed as it is today, and it will be the way it was earlier. Like 20 – 30 years ago.
Justin: Hmm…. We got to take that into consideration too.
Billy: Maybe this must be the thing that is stopping the authorities from taking the action.
Justin: But someone has to do something about it really quick. Otherwise, it will soon be too late.
Billy: Isn’t it late already?
Justin: Yeah, but at least we haven’t reached the point of total destruction.
Billy: You’re right.
Justin: So anyways, how long are you going to stay in here, the paradise of shady trees and playing the piano?
Billy: Not long. I shall soon be back to the city. Didn’t I tell you the reason for my visit?
Justin: Probably no.
Billy: My grandpa lives here and fell ill three weeks ago. I thought to give him a visit.
Justin: Hope he gets well soon. By the way what made him sick?
Billy: He had been to Delhi for some work a month back.
Justin: Ah, it’s around the same time Delhi was under sandstorm which must’ve got him sick, right?
Billy: Yes. That was the reason I decided to move here for a couple of weeks.
Justin: Is it only you two here?
Billy: No. It’s three of us, me and my grandparents.
Justin: That’s good. I think I should be leaving now; I’ll be back after some time.
Billy: Alright.
Justin: Okay then, see you!
Billy: Bye!
Conversation about Air Pollution Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Breezy
Meaning: Having fresh air and wind
Usage 1: The beach was breezy and comfortable.
Usage 2: The trees sway in the breezy weather.
Word: Intensifying
Meaning: Becoming stronger or more extreme
Usage 1: The wind is intensifying outside.
Usage 2: The pain in his stomach is intensifying by the minute.
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