Fluent English Conversation about Dust Allergy

We all want to stay healthy, yet many of us are dealing with challenges that make it difficult to maintain good health. Dust allergy is one of the difficulties that has arisen in recent years as a result of overpopulation and pollution. Fluent English conversation about allergies that can’t be cured and that we’ll have to live with for the rest of our lives. In short, taking care and avoiding needless risks, on the other hand, can keep us healthy and prevent the allergy from worsening.

Particularly, our video features two buddies, one of them has a dust allergy that becomes worsened due to unexplained reasons. Friends have a perfect and fluent English conversation about health concerns, their causes, and precautions. In conclusion, when you’re among friends, it’s the best time to learn English since you can talk about a variety of topics and expand your vocabulary.

All of the dialogues in the Fluent English Conversation Video above

english conversation about dust allergy

Leena: Hey Justin, are you doing something?
Justin: Not really, tell me, is there anything important?
Leena: Yes, I needed your help to search, some old newspapers from our college library. Please can you come along?
Justin: Sure, let’s go. But, why do you need the old newspapers?
Leena: I am working on a social science project and I need some information, which I will be getting in the old newspaper from the year 2012.
Justin: Ok no worries, we will find it. I will check here in these shelves and you check the other side shelves.
Leena: Ok, sounds perfect.

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Justin: (Sneezes continuously)
Leena: What happened Justin? All of a sudden, you started sneezing so much. Is everything alright? Come here and sit.
Justin: This place is very dusty; it has aggravated my allergy and that is the reason I am sneezing so much.
Leena: Uhh, come this way near the window, you will get some fresh air over here, don’t worry you will feel better.
Justin: Hhmm, it’s quite better here.
Leena: Good. However, I didn’t actually get you; I mean you are having an allergy, allergy of what?
Justin: Yes, I have a dust allergy.
Leena: What? You have a dust allergy. But, you were fine few minutes back in the campus and now all of a sudden you started sneezing. How?
Justin: Dust makes me sick, therefore, I avoid going to places, which are dusty. And, if I go to a place which is very dusty then my allergy gets aggravated and I feel breathless.
Leena: Oh, you are suffering from dust allergy, that means this dusty library, must be killing you right now.
Justin: Technically, you are correct.

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english talking about allergies

Leena: Oh my God, I am extremely sorry Justin, I did not know about this. I would have never asked you to come along with me here, if I would have had even slightest idea of all this.
Justin: Don’t feel sorry Leena. It’s alright.
Leena: But I am still confused, earlier I never saw you this way suffering with any allergies. When did this happen?
Justin: Honestly, it was all my fault.
Leena: How?
Justin: In Diwali vacation I was in Delhi. I was there for almost one month, roaming everywhere, to collect information and pictures for my project and that time Delhi was under dust storm, which unfortunately affected my health.
Leena: Oh. That was quite tragic.
Justin: True, I noticed this when I came back. I visited my family doctor and after many test and examinations, he informed that I am suffering from a dust allergy.
Leena: Oh, in that case then we should leave from here before its gets more worse.
Justin: That’s not necessary as I have a quick solution for it.
Leena: Quick solution? What is it if I may ask you? Maybe we should leave this place.
Justin: Not that.

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Leena: So what’s it?
Justin: I have a dust mask, which I carry always with me while going out of the house. My doctor has told me to keep it always with me for a safety, whenever I step out of the house.
Leena: Thank god, you have a dust mask.
Justin: I always carry it to avoid any such unexpected allergy attack.
Leena: Oh I see. Please wear immediately.
Justin: hhmm, I feel really better, it’s true that prevention is better than cure.
Leena: I agree. Sorry once again and next time, I will surely keep in mind.
Justin: Thanks. Now come on, let’s finish the work for what we have come here to this dusty library.
Leena: Yes, I totally forgot about the old newspapers. Let’s find it and go back from here. I have to complete my project and submit at the earliest.
Justin: ok.

Vocabulary from the Fluent English Conversation video

Word: Social science
Meaning: Scientific study about human society, social behavior and social relations
Usage i] I am studying social science.
Usage ii] My cousin is writing a research paper on social science.

Word: Aggravated
Meaning: made something worse or serious
Usage i] My friend aggravated the situation.
Usage ii] Long drive aggravated my backache.

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