Speaking about Healthy Lifestyle – Health Vocabulary
First and foremost, one must prioritize their health and make it a priority to lead an appropriate and healthy lifestyle. Therefore, now is the time to start speaking about lifestyle. Therefore, you should have conversations with your kids about healthy lifestyles and good ways of living so that even when they are adults, they will carry your teachings with them and live healthy lives. It is essential that, in accordance with the proverb “Health is Wealth,” we first acquire this wealth and then work to preserve it throughout our lives. However, none of this will be achievable until you connect with them in an appropriate, pleasant, and detailed manner. When we are communicating with one another, we frequently resort to shortcuts, and as a result, we fail to express the intended meaning.
Therefore, you should acquire adequate English language skills as well as a vocabulary related to health, communicate in depth by explaining everything correctly, and do all of this so that your kids will not be confused and will genuinely get the significance of leading a healthy lifestyle. And once they have a full comprehension of it, I have no doubt that they will steadfastly adhere to it. Watch the video below to see a father attempting to teach his kid the same lesson in a more in-depth fashion, and to see how well his son was able to grasp the concept in the end.
All of the dialogues from Speaking about Healthy Lifestyle video
Dad: Hey champ, how’s the food?
Justin: Delicious!
Dad: I’m happy you liked it. It’s a special dish, you see.
Justin: I know… Ah, what’s this? Tomato pieces?
Dad: Yeah, what’s wrong with it?
Justin: Doesn’t Mom know I don’t like tomatoes? I’ve told her so many times.
Dad: Well now, you better start liking it. Tomatoes are very healthy. If you are never going to eat them you are going to miss out on a whole lot of vitamins.
Justin: But it doesn’t taste good. What about that?
Dad: Well, it tastes okay. Nothing great about it considering the taste. But mind you, it is very nutritious.
Justin: Okay, will try eating since you insist.
Dad: That’s good to hear. And aren’t we having lunch rather late today?
Justin: We are Dad. I am actually starving.
Dad: Anyways, you got to gulp down your meal quickly. It has to digest properly. You have football practice today, right?
Justin: Yup. I have to finish my meal at least 2 hours before the practice so that it gets digested correctly.
Dad: I hope you remember what happened when you ate lunch late and left for swimming class within 15 minutes?
Justin: Yes, I do recall that. I developed a bad stomach ache.
Dad: And you even puked later.
Justin: But that’s for swimming. I’m sure the situation will be a little manageable while playing other sports.
Dad: I disagree. You need to understand that all sports demanding aggressive physical activity need a similar approach.
Justin: I see.
Dad: When you exert all your body parts need to respond appropriately but with undigested food in your stomach the body parts fail to perform their normal.
Justin: Never thought about it so deep Dad.
Dad: Yes! Remember to follow this approach and never ignore the 2 hours gap calculation. It’s very important.
Justin: Hmm… Sure Dad.
Speaking about Healthy Lifestyle Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Champ
Meaning: Term of endearment for a child, meaning a winner
Usage 1: My little champ won the first prize in the painting competition.
Usage 2: Hey champ, don’t forget to wear your helmet while riding the bike.
Word: Delicious
Meaning: Very tasty and enjoyable
Usage 1: The pizza was delicious, I couldn’t resist having a second slice.
Usage 2: I am looking forward to having delicious desserts after dinner.
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