Spoken English Course Online – Talking about Fitness and Health
We often disregard our health as a result of job and work pressure, and it deteriorates over time. Long periods of sitting, coffee use, and a lack of exercise have all become concerns. However, it is critical that we teach ourselves to accomplish many tasks at once so that we can set out time for our workout. Similarly, it is critical that you focus on improving your English while working or studying by enrolling in our online spoken English course.
Learning English will inspire you to talk boldly, and it will be at this point that you will be able to freely converse on a variety of themes. Watching our video courses will undoubtedly assist you in learning spoken English online without having to leave your house. You’ll save time this way, and you’ll have more time to devote to your regular exercises.
All of the dialogues from Spoken English Course Online Video above
Roger: Hey Justin, how are you dude?
Justin: I’m good, you tell me my IT guy. When did you land? You did not even inform me.
Roger: Inhale a little my friend, I just landed yesterday and did not inform anyone yet.
Justin: Good to see you, now we can plan a grand celebration for this Christmas.
Roger: Indeed! This year I had to be here for Christmas with my family. Last year, I couldn’t get leave from my office.
Justin: Hmm… I’m sure your family must be very happy especially your mom.
Roger: Absolutely, they all are so elated. Talking about my mom? For her, Christmas without me is meaningless.
Justin: True that, and Christmas without her homemade sweets is meaningless to you fatty, ha ha ha.
Roger: Indeed, she prepares delicious Christmas sweets and no one can resist that. But this time it’s not for me.
Justin: Obviously, since you turned overweight huh?
Roger: I see, so you are mocking me?
Justin: Not really but you were so fit earlier and now looking a Halloween pumpkin. Ha ha ha
Roger: Hmm…, I agree with you Justin but honestly speaking I can’t do much about it. When you work offshore you are tended to change as per the surrounding you are in.
Justin: But still, don’t you think it’s important to set some time off for your fitness?
Roger: I don’t think we are on the same page. As a freelancer you can be in total control of your time.
Justin: Not really, I mean sometimes even my work unexpectedly demands more from me and I’m helpless.
Roger: Okay, let me ask you few realistic questions. Tell me how often you go for a morning walk?
Justin: Everyday, except when I’m sick.
Roger: See, I told you. Now next question. How many times you fall sick in a year?
Justin: Not much but I guess once or twice.
Roger: Okay, and for how many days you are normally down with your sickness?
Justin: I recover pretty fast, not more than 2-3 days to recover completely.
Roger: Now you calculate your fitness based on your answers. And most importantly tell me how inflexible your working hours are?
Justin: My working hours are fixed, only some time 1 – 2 hours here and there but otherwise it’s all sorted.
Roger: I guess you will understand my point now.
Justin: What are you trying to prove?
Roger: Oh man, your life is framed in a fixed routine therefore you are all sorted. It’s easy for you to maintain your fitness. For me every day is a new day with new hurdles and new expectations which I need to meet.
Justin: Hmm…
Roger: I know you are right but you will need to see where I am coming from. I have deadlines to meet otherwise our clients incur losses and my company risks losing them.
Justin: Hey buddy, I’m so sorry. I never knew your job is so exigent. I was always amazed by watching you live lavishly. But now I know, while you are earning dollars you are losing on real life milestones.
Roger: Thanks for understanding. And don’t forget that I’m here for the next 3 months so tell me, would you be my personal fitness trainer? Ha ha ha
Justin: Why not? And my fees will be Christmas sweets prepared by your mom. Ha ha ha
Spoken English Course Online Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Pleasant
Meaning: giving a sense of happiness
Usage 1] We had a pleasant time.
Usage 2] What a pleasant surprise!
Word: Especially
Meaning: a lot more than usual
Usage 1] This was prepared especially for me.
Usage 2] I especially enjoyed the way we celebrated it.
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