Talking About Fitness for Kids

Because children are fragile, it is essential for their parents and elders to train them for good. And, among all sorts of training, physical exercise is the most important thing in their lives, especially at such a young age. Begin talking about fitness for kids and incorporating it into their everyday routine. Whatever children learn today, they will undoubtedly follow for the rest of their lives. At the same time, it is critical to establish in these children the value of exercise. So that they take it seriously and see the importance of it for their overall health.

All of the dialogues from Fitness for Kids video above

physical activities for kids

Justin: Hey Kiddo, why are you so sad?
Jason: Well, do you remember how flexible I was at the start of this year. But then due to monsoon with no activities happening around, my body has turned stiff.
Justin: That was but expected. But you can take a lesson from it.
Jason: What could have I done better? There was and still is no alternative to keeping fit without activities.
Justin: But didn’t I constantly kept on reminding that you get into self-training?
Jason: Hmm…. I remember. You would advise me on that. Dad would suggest it too. But what should I do now?
Justin: Just get started.
Jason: I mean, how can I begin self-workout again?
Justin: The way I do. You can always start exercising on our front porch.
Jason: Does that mean we both can work out together?
Justin: Yes, of course. At the end, we don’t need a lot of space just to exert, do we?
Jason: What will the routine be like?
Justin: It will consist of skipping, high knee, butt kicks and such others which can be performed at the same place.
Jason: So, for few months we will have to stick to this pattern while missing out on outdoor sessions.
Justin: Exactly. This is the best we can do. Until monsoon is over.

fitness for kids

Jason: That will take some time.
Justin: Right, so until then, we shall do what is in our best interest to keep our body fit.
Jason: Very true. I have something to say though.
Justin: Now what is it?
Jason: For any type of activity, I was always part of some group. Now shifting to this new method, I am wondering if it would be fun.
Justin: Jason, being physically fit is even more important than fun. Let’s get ourselves in shape again and then we shall think about fun, okay? (Smiles)
Jason: Okay, if you insist. But we will be done with all that very quick right?
Justin: No. We will be following it for 2 hours each day.
Jason: 2 hours each day? Wouldn’t that be too much?
Justin: We will be taking multiple breaks so we don’t drain out.
Jason: That sounds like a plan. I’m all for it.
Justin: So, gear up for tomorrow evening sharp 4 pm.
Jason: Done.

Fitness for Kids Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Flexible
Meaning: easily able to bend or move
Usage 1: Being flexible allows you to perform exercises with proper form, resulting in a more effective and safer workout.
Usage 2: Flexible muscles are less prone to injury.

Word: Stiff
Meaning: hard to bend or move, firm
Usage 1: Stiff muscles can make it difficult to perform certain exercises properly and may increase the risk of injury.
Usage 2: Feeling stiff after an exercise might be caused by dehydration or poor stretching practices.

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