Learning English Speaking while Discussing Food Allergies

When one of two friends is suffering from food allergies, they discuss it. Every person on this world aspires to be happy and to live life to the maximum extent possible. But what if you were unable to consume the majority of the foods available on this planet, including your favorites? This may be aggravating, and coping with it can be bothersome as well. However, as the saying goes, nothing lasts forever. Learning English speaking can encourage you to communicate with your friends and family, as well as with your doctors, who will be able to comprehend your situation and will be by your side to advise you on the best course of action for you.

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All of the dialogues in the above Learning English Speaking Video

talking about food allergies

Justin: That’s all guys, I can’t dance any more. I am tired now.
Sumeet: Yes, am too done for the day. Let’s continue tomorrow.
Justin: You are absolutely correct.
Sumeet: We still have 5 days left for the program, which means we still have lot of time to practice.
Justin: Agreed. Hey Sumeet, come on let’s go to the canteen and have something, I am feeling very hungry.
Sumeet: I am hungry too, let’s go.
Justin: Would you like to have vada pav or burger?
Sumeet: I will prefer Burger and cold drink.
Justin: Ok cool. Waiter, please get 2 large burgers with cold drink and don’t add onion in one burger, it should be without onion. Please don’t forget that.
Sumeet: Hey Justin, what’s wrong with onions? Eating it doesn’t bring tears to your eyes, ha ha ha.
Justin: It’s not funny, okay, you don’t know, but the fact is that, I shouldn’t be eating onions any more.
Sumeet: Ok cool down, sorry, I was just kidding. Tell me what’s the matter?
Justin: Last week our family doctor diagnosed that, I am suffering from food allergy and onion is poison for me.
Sumeet: What? Are you serious?
Justin: Yes, that’s true.
Sumeet: Oh my god, it’s terrible.
Justin: hhmm, I know, I have to deal with it for rest of my life now. If I happen to eat even a small piece of onion, it will infect my lungs and I will cough unstoppably. It can be life threatening too in a severe condition.
Sumeet: Oh Justin, it sounds horrible. But don’t worry when you are with me, I will keep the onion away from your plate. Ha ha ha
Justin: Thanks for understanding my friend.
Sumeet: Hey, no thanks in friendship. After all, we are friends and we should always understand each other.
Justin: Ok, let’s have this delicious burger, I am very hungry. Ha ha
Sumeet: Yeah ha ha ha. By the way Justin, are there any other food items you have allergy with, besides onions?
Justin: Yup, there are a few.
Sumeet: Which are they?

learning english speaking

Justin: Uuumm, peanuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, soy products and peanut butter.
Sumeet: My goodness, so, that means, you will not be eating these food items for the rest of your life.
Justin: Yes, if I want to live, then, I will have to leave all these foodstuffs.
Sumeet: Oh, but you know what, I have heard that, if you follow a healthy life style with good exercise, balanced diet, proper sleep, uuumm, avoiding junk food and by following such other things, the allergies are reversed.
Justin: Maybe, but I have no idea of any such thing. But thanks for sharing this information with me. Next week I am visiting my doctor, so, I will surely talk to him about this and ask if my allergy can be reversed by maintaining a healthy life style.
Sumeet: Yes, of course you should consult with your doctor and see what he says. You can even ask him about some other ways by which your allergy is under control all the time.
Justin: Thanks buddy, I will definitely consult my doctor about this.
Sumeet: Cool, also you must ask him about some precautionary medicines.
Justin: What do you mean by precautionary medicines?
Sumeet: I mean the medicines that you can always keep with you and consume in the event of emergency.
Justin: What kind of emergency are you talking about?
Sumeet: If you eat any of these food items by mistake and on the immediate realization, you can take your medicine in order to control its negative effect on your health.
Justin: Oh, I never thought of this. This is the most important thing I must ask my doctor.
Sumeet: While visiting the doctor, take someone along with you, so that, besides you someone should also be aware of this information as it is very important.
Justin: yeah, my mom accompanies me every time I visit the doctor. she takes care of my medicines and medical visits all the time. Anyways, I should leave now; I have to rush to my music classes. See you tomorrow.
Sumeet: Bye, take care.

Vocabulary from the video above

Word: Absolutely
Meaning: totally
Usage i] The food was absolutely delicious.
Usage ii] I’m absolutely fine.

Word: Waiter
Meaning: the person who serves to the customers at the table in a restaurant
Usage i] I called the waiter to take our order
Usage ii] The waiter cleared the table neatly.

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