How to Talk about Illness in English
Our health has been jeopardized by a fast-paced lifestyle, lack of rest, and eating anything on the go. Sickness, health problems, and a worn-out lifestyle are all too common these days. Furthermore, living alone or in a PG environment makes it even more difficult because you have no one to look after you or be by your side. As a result, it is critical to speak with your loved ones about health issues. Learning a new language has always made people more self-assured and talkative, as well as providing them with more practical communication options. For you to speak fluently and confidently, you must practice English and learn new vocabulary. This will also teach you how to talk about illness in English, the next time you’re sick.
All the Dialogues used in the above Video
Sam: Hey Nolan, how are you feeling now?
Nolan: Not well, I am still down with cold and a slight headache.
Sam: Oh, you should’ve been fine by now. It’s almost a week, isn’t it?
Nolan: I know. I guess I caught cold after eating ice-cream on Sunday.
Sam: Hmm…. Maybe you should work on boosting your immunity but did you see the doctor?
Nolan: No, actually. I thought I’d be better in some time.
Sam: Are you taking any meds?
Nolan: Yes, I have some over the counter medicines and they are quite effective.
Sam: But your cold hasn’t got any better, has it?
Nolan: No, not at all! I’m very much surprised seeing it prove useless this time.
Sam: I suggest you visit the doctor as soon as possible. This might be a viral infection and it will severely aggravate your cold.
Nolan: You make sense Sam.
Sam: If you wish I can accompany you to the doctor.
Nolan: Thanks Sam, I appreciate it. Let me have a glass of water. I’m thirsty. Should I fetch for you too?
Sam: No, thanks.
Nolan takes a glassful of water from the tap.
Sam: Hey Nolan, are you out of your mind? How could you think of drinking tap water when you are having a cold?
Nolan: I don’t think I get you.
Sam: What I mean is you must drink only warm fluids when you are suffering from cold. It keeps your body warm and keeps your cold under control.
Nolan: Amazing, what a wonderful home remedy!
Sam: In fact, during winter and monsoon if we regularly drink warm water then you can easily avoid flu all the time.
Nolan: Is only warm water sufficient to avoid flu?
Sam: Not entirely. It is also advisable to have warm chicken soup, veggie soup or any other soup as per your choice.
Nolan: Okay, but how effective are these? I mean don’t we need any over the counter medicines if we adhere to this way of life?
Sam: Of course, you can completely avoid taking any meds if you are diligently following what I said. Besides, install a room heater and a humidifier in your house, it’s really chilling at your place.
Nolan: Hmm…., I will surely consider your suggestion.
Sam: Also, steam inhalation is one of the best-known remedies in the world to soothe away cold congestion and even sinus infection.
Nolan: I must agree, although you’re my younger brother, you seem to be more knowledgeable than me.
Sam: On that note, let’s have some chicken soup for dinner.
Nolan: Only if someone prepares it, ha ha ha.
How to Talk about Illness in English Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Slight
Meaning: inconsiderable in degree
Usage 1] Mary is suffering from a slight cold.
Usage 2] Diana has a slight headache.
Word: Boost
Meaning: improve
Usage 1] Your immunity will unquestionably be boosted by eating healthy foods.
Usage 2] I take a supplement to boost my immunity.
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