Visiting a Doctor Conversation in English

A correlation has been found between unfavorable weather conditions and poor health. There is no telling when you will find yourself in this predicament, whether you are staying in town or travelling overseas. And hence, it is necessary for you to seek medical attention in these kinds of circumstances in order to take care of your problem. Therefore, having strong communication skills will always assist you to handle such circumstances calmly and without generating any misunderstanding as you navigate through them.

Stress and anxiety may make the situation even more dire, and confusions might bring on panic in the first place. The purpose of this video, which is visiting a doctor conversation in English, is to provide a foundational understanding of typical terms, phrases, and conversations associated with the aforementioned circumstance.

All the dialogues from Visiting a Doctor Conversation video

visiting a doctor conversation

Justin: Good afternoon. Myself Justin, I have an appointment with Dr. Samuel at 4 o’clock.
Receptionist: Good afternoon sir. Let me check that for you.
Justin: Sure.
Receptionist: Hhmm, I see you have an appointment but…
Justin: But what? Isn’t he available right now? It is 4 o’clock.
Receptionist: That’s not the case. He is very much in the clinic but before you he has to attend two other patients. You will have to wait for an hour more.
Justin: Oh, that’s not fair. Since this appointment was coinciding with my classes I actually had to bunk them today.
Receptionist: I understand sir. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Meanwhile why don’t you relax in the lobby and grab a cup of coffee there?
Justin: No thanks. I am good.
Receptionist: Perfect. I will call you once the doctor is done with the two patients.
Justin: Thanks. And I’m sorry for my behavior. I didn’t mean to be rude.
Receptionist: No worries. Please wait in the lobby until I call you.
Justin: Sure.

(a Few minutes later)

Receptionist: Sir, you may go in now. Dr. Samuel wants to see you.
Justin: Great.

(In the doctor’s cabin)

visiting a doctor

Justin: Good afternoon Doc.
Dr. Samuel: Hey, good afternoon young man, how are you? I’m seeing you after a long time.
Justin: (talking sarcastically) Yeah, since I was fit and fine till yesterday, I didn’t bother to see you. But today I’m unwell hence thought to show up.
Dr. Samuel: Ah, never mind. Tell me what’s bothering you?
Justin: I have a bad stomachache and almost lost my appetite. Also feeling quite weak.
Dr. Samuel: Oh, you sound terrible. Let me examine you. By the way what did you eat last night?
Justin: Yesterday I had been to a movie with my friends. Later, we all had pepperoni pizza and cold drink. That’s all.
Dr. Samuel: Okay, did you puke anytime?
Justin: No, but get that feeling almost every time. Therefore, I am unable to eat anything.
Dr. Samuel: Nothing much to worry about. I suspect it’s a case of food poisoning.
Justin: OMG. What should I do now? I have my papers after two days and I’m feeling so unwell.
Dr. Samuel: Don’t panic. Simply follow my prescription. Tomorrow you should be fit and fine.
Justin: Are you sure?
Dr. Samuel: Absolutely. Take these medicines and consume them as per the instructions in this note.
Justin: Okay noted. And what else?
Dr. Samuel: Take this powder. You need to add one tablespoon of it in a glass of water, stir it well and have it. This way you need to have 4 doses today and 6 doses tomorrow.
Justin: I get that.
Dr. Samuel: Drink plenty of water and put yourself to complete rest and by tomorrow evening you will be perfectly fine.
Justin: Thank you so much doctor.
Dr. Samuel: You’re welcome. See me again tomorrow evening.
Justin: Sure doc. Thanks once again.

Visiting a Doctor Conversation video Related Vocabulary

Word: Appointment
Meaning: Prearranged meeting or engagement for a specific purpose or time
Usage 1: I have an appointment with the dentist at 2 pm.
Usage 2: Let’s schedule an appointment for next week.

Word: Clinic
Meaning: Medical facility for outpatient treatment or consultation
Usage 1: I went to the clinic for a flu shot.
Usage 2: The clinic is closed on Sundays.

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