Phone Conversation in English – Ordering Food on the Phone
Everyone is hurrying around with a lot of work pressure in today’s fast-paced world. It will be fantastic if we can teach our children to handle their lives independently in such a circumstance, so that no one suffers. Things have become so simple thanks to technological advancements that we can now have meals delivered to our home in just a few minutes. As a result, everyone is free to concentrate on their responsibilities and career prospects. It’s a great method to educate youngsters how to communicate in English over the phone so they can order their meals without having to wait for Mom or Dad to get home and cook something for them. It’s critical to understand a simple phone conversation in English and etiquette in order to manage a variety of other tasks that may be completed with simply a phone call.
All of the dialogues in the English Phone Conversation Video above
Justin: Phew! The day was quite exhausting! Lot’s of happenings at school. I am starving, Mom. What are we having for lunch?
Justin: Mom, where are you?
Justin: (starts talking to himself) Oh no, she’s not at home! Where could’ve she gone?
Justin: Continues … And what’s this? A note on the refrigerator. What does it say?
Justin: She says, ‘Son I had to leave in a hurry and you will need to order food on the xyz number. I am so sorry. Love you.’
Justin: Gosh! Okay, let me call this number. (Dials the number)
Phone Attendant: Hello sir, may I have your order please?
Justin: Oh yes, you see I don’t have the menu card so can you brief me with what is currently available with you?
Phone Attendant: Sure Sir. We have burgers, pastas, pizzas, French fries and donuts just to name a few.
Justin: Hmmm…….I’ll go with burgers.
Phone Attendant: Which one Sir, in burgers we have chicken burgers, mutton burgers, turkey burgers, wild salmon burgers, veggie burgers and mushroom burgers.
Justin: Do you have whoppers?
Phone Attendant: Yes sir, we do.
Justin: Great, so take down the order.
Phone Attendant: Please go on.
Justin: One chicken whopper and two donuts should be perfect for me.
Phone Attendant: Would you like to go for cream-filled donuts or chocolate frosted donuts?
Justin: Hhmm, Chocolate frosted donuts are my favorite.
Phone Attendant: Will you prefer dark chocolate or white chocolate?
Justin: I will go for dark chocolate frosting.
Phone Attendant: Very well sir.
Justin: Uuh…. do you even offer any beverages?
Phone Attendant: Yes sir, we do offer diet coke.
Justin: Okay, so I will take one diet coke.
Phone Attendant: Noted. Is there anything else you would like to order?
Justin: That’s all. Can you please repeat the order?
Phone Attendant: Sure sir. Your order consists of one chicken whopper, two dark chocolate donuts and a diet coke.
Justin: Perfect! And what will I pay for it?
Phone Attendant: It will cost you 250.
Justin: Okay, take down my address… it is abc.
Phone Attendant: Perfect Sir, the order will be delivered to you within next 20 minutes.
Justin: Great! I am waiting for it.
Phone Attendant: Thank you for patronizing our food Sir. We appreciate your business.
Justin: I must say, you guys have earned it.
(Disconnects the phone)
Simple Phone Conversation in English Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Phew
Meaning: express exhaustion
Usage i] Phew! We finally reached our destination.
Usage ii] Phew! I’m so glad you made it.
Word: Exhausting
Meaning: very tiring
Usage i] What an exhausting week!
Usage ii] It was the most exhausting day of my life.
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