Practice English Speaking Online: Setting the Table for Breakfast

Mom and Son had a morning chat in which Mom asks Son to assist her in setting up the breakfast table. Get along with the kids when doing morning chores since this is when they see us working and are inspired to do the same. It’s also a great opportunity for us to practice English speaking with kids, and they’ll acquire breakfast vocabulary by putting in the work in a real-life situation. While we assist your children in learning English online, you assist them in practicing English speaking at home. Encourage them to take part in our practice English speaking online video session to help them improve their pronunciation.

All of the dialogues in the English Speaking Practice Online video above

conversation at the breakfast table

Mom: Justin, come here in the kitchen.
Justin: Yes mom, coming, tell me.
Mom: Go and lay the table, it’s time for breakfast.
Justin: Sure mom.
Mom: Meanwhile, I will bring in the dishes.
Justin: Shall I keep the forks, spoons, knives, glasses, cups, and saucers too.
Mom: Yes, son that will be very helpful for me.
Justin: Hmmm, mom, did you prepare the fresh orange juice?
Mom: Yes, it’s over there in the jug. Can you please keep that too on the dining table?
Justin: Ok. Did you add sugar in it?
Mom: No, I didn’t, it’s fresh, pure and with no added sugar as always.
Justin: Wow that keeps it healthy.
Mom: Can you please serve the orange juice?
Justin: Sure.
Mom: Be careful while serving the juice. Don’t spill it on the tablecloth.
Justin: Don’t worry mom, I will be careful.
Mom: Ok.
Justin: Mom, can you please pass the salt and pepper shakers.
Mom: Here it is.
Justin: Hhmm, the house smells good. What have you prepared for the breakfast?

Check related Breakfast Conversations >>

practice english speaking online

Mom: I have prepared some banana pancakes, ham, eggs and cheese muffins, baked beans and baked potatoes.
Justin: Wow, that’s the perfect breakfast for this morning. I am sure Uncle John and Aunt Lucy will love this.
Mom: Oh, I really hope so. Since they live abroad, they are habituated to have English breakfast.
Justin: But how did you get the recipe to make these dishes?
Mom: Nothing great, just searched on the net and got the recipes. Therefore, I thought to try to make these dishes for them.
Justin: That’s so sweet of you mom, I am sure they would enjoy this amazing breakfast.
Mom: I hope so.
Justin: Mom, what about black coffee?
Mom: Black coffee? For whom?
Justin: You must prepare some black coffee, as Aunt Lucy prefers to have black coffee in the morning with breakfast.
Mom: Oh my goodness, how can I forget this important thing. Thank you so much for bringing it to my notice. I must go and prepare some coffee right away.
Justin: Great. Meanwhile I will go and check with Uncle and Aunt if they are up.
Mom: Thanks son. You were a great help this morning, arranging all this without you was just impossible.
Justin: Oh come on mom, you have done everything, I just helped you in setting up the table that’s it.
Mom: That was a huge help son. Making is one thing, presenting it is another thing, and both are equally important. So thank you.
Justin: Thank you too mom for the lovely breakfast which I am going to have now.
Mom: Ha ha ha.

Vocabulary from the Practice English Speaking Online Video

Word: Lay the table
Meaning: arrange everything on the dining table while having meals
Usage i] She came up to lay the table for dinner.
Usage ii] My younger brother helps me to lay the table for breakfast.

Word: Dishes
Meaning: plates to have meals
Usage i] I cleaned all the dishes before dinner was served.
Usage ii] My sister dropped few dishes on the floor.

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1 thought on “Breakfast English Lesson Five”

  1. anonymous says:

    Great post to increase my experience.

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