Small Conversation in English about Healthy Breakfast Ideas
Fast food, often known as junk food, has grown increasingly popular in our society, posing a health risk. We are unable to combine a fast-paced lifestyle with a nutritious diet. However, it is critical that we convert to nutritious foods rather than junk food, which can be prepared in a shorter amount of time and will help us stay healthy. The video below shows two friends arguing whether or not they should have a nutritious breakfast every day. One says there isn’t enough time to make a nutritious breakfast, while the other says it doesn’t take long. A lovely and small conversation in English about many healthy breakfast options.
All of the dialogues from the video “Small Conversation in English”
Madhav: Good morning Justin.
Justin: Morning Madhav. Did you sleep well?
Madhav: Oh yes, absolutely. I was quite comfortable.
Justin: Cool.
Madhav: Thanks to you for the hospitality, you offered.
Justin: Oh, never mind, I am glad you are comfortable. So, what do you feel like eating for breakfast?
Madhav: Oh, please don’t bother yourself, anything is perfect for me.
Justin: What do you have usually for breakfast?
Madhav: I usually just have a cup of tea with some biscuits.
Justin: Oh, but that’s not sufficient and filling.
Madhav: Hhmm, I agree but can’t help it.
Justin: I understand but breakfast is the first meal of the day. And, it is very important to have a proper and healthy breakfast.
Madhav: I agree with you Justin but I usually don’t have much time to prepare a proper and healthy breakfast. And my maid doesn’t want to come early morning for house chores. So basically, I have no better options.
Justin: I agree, we always run out of time but you can always try to make an easy breakfast each morning.
Check related Breakfast Conversations >>
Madhav: Oh that’s not an easy task at all. I really wonder how do you manage it all.
Justin: It just needs some planning and nothing more. I am sure even you can manage it all by yourself.
Madhav: Ha ha ha, I don’t believe you. Ok, tell me what do you make for yourself?
Justin: I usually have scrambled eggs with bread and coffee, sometime when I run short of time I prefer preparing oats and fruits smoothies and sometime instant upma or instant dosa with ketchup.
Madhav: Woah woah woah, hold on for a second, do you prepare all this or you order?
Justin: I prepare this in my kitchen buddy.
Madhav: Not bad. That sounds pretty good and interesting.
Justin: I prefer homemade food and it’s quite easy to prepare these breakfast dishes in less time.
Madhav: But how do you manage all this?
Justin: Pretty simple, as I said earlier you just need some planning and that’s all.
Madhav: How? Please can you explain in detail? If you don’t mind of course.
Justin: Sure. Actually, I make a chart of breakfast menu for the entire week, get all the needed ingredients on Saturday, and store them in the fridge. This makes my work easier.
Madhav: Wow Justin, I am impressed.
Justin: If you are impressed then please stop having only tea and biscuits for breakfast, instead, have something healthier and stay healthy.
Madhav: Yes Justin, I will surely follow this routine.
Justin: Good to hear that and on weekends you can invite me to join you for breakfast.
Madhav: Sure buddy, I will definitely invite you.
Justin: But for now what can I make for you to have?
Madhav: Scramble egg with bread and coffee sounds good to me.
Justin: Good choice. Ha ha
Vocabulary from the Small Conversation In English Video
Word: Absolutely
Meaning: completely
Usage i] I am absolutely fine.
Usage ii] You are absolutely right.
Word: Comfortable
Meaning: physically relaxed
Usage i] We are quite comfortable.
Usage ii] Please make yourself comfortable.
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