English Conversation Practice – Traditional Indian Breakfast Ideas

Being a part of an English conversation about food and drink is quite usual. As a result, it is essential to acquire and practice food-related phrases. So, first and foremost, studying a breakfast glossary is the greatest way to begin learning food vocabulary. Daily practice of any sort of English talk can build your confidence and, in a few months, will improve your English. The video below is a perfect way to start with English conversation practice with your family and to discuss breakfast in a variety of ways.

All the Dialogues used in the English Conversation Practice Video

English Conversation Practice

Justin: Good morning Smita.
Smita: Good morning Justin.
Justin: Are you going out somewhere?
Smita: Yes, we both are going out.
Justin: Both of us?
Smita: Yes.
Justin: No, I am not going anywhere.
Smita: I insist, you must come with me, you will love it.
Justin: But where?
Smita: Don’t ask anything right now, just go and get ready.
Justin : Oh no Smita, I am very tired today. Its Sunday and I don’t want to go anywhere at this part of morning. Please let me rest.
Smita: Oh come on Justin, don’t behave like a lazy chap. Come on and hurry up we are going out for sure.
Justin: But where?
Smita: Today we are going out to have our favorite breakfast.
Justin: Oh, that sounds like a plan. But what’s that?
Smita: Guess what?
Justin: Hhmmm, no idea. You say.
Smita: Masala Dosa.
Justin: Wow, it’s been ages I tasted that authentic masala dosa.
Smita: I agree, in our hectic schedule it’s being always difficult to find leisure time to go out and have our favorite breakfast.
Justin: Yes, there is no more favorite breakfast, it is just a breakfast, same old breakfast.
Smita: Surprisingly, it has become the habit now, without thinking we just have bread and butter with tea and rush out of the house.

Check related Breakfast Conversations >>

english conversation about food and drink

Justin: Hhmm, I totally agree with you. Our fast life doesn’t give chance to even think of any tasty alternatives because we run always short of time. Anyways, I am very excited, let’s get ready and move faster.
Smita: I am happy, you are finally ready to go out.
Justin: But where you think we should go?
Smita: Oh my goodness Justin …have you forgotten the Joshi’s the one and only famous Joshi’s Restaurant.
Justin: Oh, I remember now The Joshi’s. Yes.
Smita: They are the best in town and masala dosa is their specialty.
Justin: Oh yes, I really forgot their name. How we tend to forget things, which we don’t do often.
Smita: That’s the reason I have decided that at least once a month we should go out to have breakfast.
Justin: Wonderful plan. I am in.
Smita: I even love fafdas with chillies they make, it’s spicy but amazing.
Justin: And hot jalebis with cold rabadi, it’s my favorite.
Smita: Oh that’s too delicious, its heavy, fatty but awesome.
Justin: Let’s go Smita, all these seem to be very tempting and now I can’t resist.
Smita: Yeah, but where are the bike keys? I don’t see it here on the table.
Justin: Maybe it’s in the kitchen, last night I came from out with ice cream and directly went to the kitchen to keep it in the freezer.
Smita: Oh I got it, it was on the dining table. Thanks.
Justin: Let’s move now.
Smita: Sure.

Above Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Chap
Meaning: referring to a male person
Usage i] This old chap is still very strong.
Usage ii] My brother is a sweet chap.

Word: Hectic
Meaning: busy
Usage i] It was a hectic day.
Usage ii] I spent a very hectic week.

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1 thought on “Breakfast English Lesson Three”

  1. Great article, totally what I needed.

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