Talk in English about Power Outage

When the power goes out, two friends are in the middle of a conversation when they are interrupted. They become enraged and begin to talk in English about the power outage and its ramifications. With a very frequent topic in our life, this is a great approach to practice your English. Because our lives are nearly entirely reliant on electricity, what happens if our house loses power and we are forced to live in perpetual darkness? Consider this: when it’s dark and we’re away from all of our gadgets and devices, we speak and discuss a wide range of topics. It is sometimes amusing that we are compelled to participate in family and home discussions.

All of the Dialogues in the Video to Discuss Power Outage in English

power outage conversation

Hardy: Hey Justin, I just found an awesome guitar tutorial, have a look.
Justin: Is it? I am curious.
Hardy: Sure. Moreover, its membership plan is being offered at a 40 percent off which makes it a great deal!
Justin: Interesting. What’s the actual price?
Hardy: USD20 per month. It is a self-learning course. Which means we learn at our own pace.
Justin: Seems great! Since long I ‘ve been waiting for something like this. Did you know? I am yearning to play the guitar professionally.
Hardy: I know, let’s dig the course a bit more.

(They experience a power outage)

Justin: Oh no! Power outage once again!
Hardy: I fail to understand the power supply companies ignorance. Why can’t they simply notify us in advance about the outage. Like an early warning SMS alert should work.
Justin: It’s a total mess. I mean due to such unexpected power cuts not only our electronic devices risk getting damaged, but it also affects our daily activities that depend on power supply.
Hardy: It’s fine, Justin. We can always look the tutorials up when the power is restored, can’t we?
Justin: This is exactly the type of reaction I detest. I mean, can’t they keep the flow of electricity consistent? I have lost so much of my work due to this unwarranted professionalism of the Power Supply Company.

discussing power outage in english

Hardy: I completely agree with you Justin. But there is very little we can do here.
Justin: Seems you are right or wait I think we can at least safeguard our electronic devices by buying a UPS or a Generator and connecting all the devices to it.
Hardy: That’s a smart idea. We both should consider buying it seriously. It will serve as a precaution whenever we experience such unexpected power cuts.
Justin: Very true. A UPS should act as a buffer and give us few minutes to at least shut down all our electronic devices and thus keep them safe from crashing or breaking.

(Power gets restored)

Justin: Yay! Come on Hardy, let’s get going ahead!
Hardy: You are making another mistake now.
Justin: And what is it?
Hardy: It is always good to wait for 10 to 15 minutes before starting the computer.
Justin: Okay
Hardy: And if all is well during this period then you can be somewhat sure that power supply has been restored successfully and everything is back to normal.
Justin: But what if we start the computer immediately once the power supply is back?
Hardy: Once its restored, there can be a power failure once again immediately for a brief period. And you wouldn’t want to risk your devices, or would you?
Justin: Wow Hardy, where did you get all this information from?
Hardy: My parents helped me with this insight and I felt, it makes sense to remember it.
Justin: Very well said man! Thanks for sharing this information.
Hardy: You’re most welcome.

Talk in English Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Curious
Meaning: want to know, understand or learn something
Usage 1] Julia looked curious.
Usage 2] I was a little curious about it.

Word: Membership
Meaning: being a part of a group mostly by paying a monthly or annual fee
Usage 1] I forgot to renew my membership for this month.
Usage 2] There is no membership fee to become a member.

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