Speaking About Vegetables
In this video, a mother and her son are talking about organic versus inorganic vegetables. They are exchanging dialogues and speaking fluently about vegetables. Learn new English words, phrases, and dialogues to improve your communication abilities. Don’t miss out on any opportunities to enhance your communication abilities because you can only tell the world about your ideas if you know how to communicate them.
All of the Dialogues from Speaking About Vegetables video above
Mom: Justin, are you ready to go?
Justin: Yes mom, please allow me a min.
Mom: Okay, be quick.
Justin: I’m ready, let’s go.
Mom: If you don’t mind, I need to pick some veggies on the way and then I shall drop you at your friend’s house.
Justin: No issues mom, I can even assist you with your shopping.
Mom: Sounds quite impressive. I mean, you assisting me with shopping. Is there something cooking?
Justin: Oh, please stop making fun of me mom. I would do that when I was a small kid.
Mom: I am sorry, however I’m glad you volunteered.
(They both get inside the car)
Justin: Do you still buy veggies from the vegetable vendor situated at the D’Monte street.
Mom: It’s been years I left buying veggies from that vendor.
Justin: But why is that? Did he shut his business?
Mom: That’s not the case. He still sells the vegetables right there on the same street but the inorganic ones.
Justin: I beg your pardon. Did you just say inorganic?
Mom: Yes, you heard it right.
Justin: But what does it mean?
Mom: Organic vegetables are better than inorganic.
Justin: What do you mean by organic and inorganic vegetables? Do they have a lot of dissimilarities?
Mom: It’s but natural.
Justin: My bad, I thought we always just bought the vegetables. I’ve never heard of these terms before.
Mom: These terms evolved due to the excessive demands for products.
Justin: And what is the difference in these vegetables?
Mom: Organic vegetables are purely safe to eat as they are grown without using any chemicals.
Justin: What type of chemicals?
Mom: Chemicals to trigger the growth of plants in combination with some pesticides, insecticides and herbicides. The nitrate available in these chemicals often cause cancer.
Justin: That’s terrible. Now I get why these are called inorganic vegetables. I’m glad you discontinued buying such veggies.
Mom: So am I.
Justin: But how can we conclude that organic veggies are really organic?
Mom: Organic vegetables come printed with organic certification on its packaging. Therefore, one should make sure to read the packaging label before buying.
Justin: Hhmm, it makes logical sense. It’s quite easy to buy organic veggies, I suppose.
Mom: I’m afraid it’s not.
Justin: Now what does make it difficult?
Mom: The latest study indicates that organic food has two categories. 50% organic and 100% organic.
Justin: Is this something to do with the percentage of adulteration?
Mom: Exactly! Using organic techniques to grow food on non-organic soil makes it 50% organic. And involving organic techniques to grow food on organic soil makes it 100% organic.
Justin: Oh, this is really going over my head. Now what is the difference between organic soil and non-organic soil?
Mom: Organic soil means the soil that does not have any sort of chemicals in it for a minimum of three years. And food grown on such soil makes it 100% organic.
Justin: That’s really amazing mom, I never knew that you research so much before buying foodstuff for the family.
Mom: Doesn’t that display my love for the family? My family’s safety is my responsibility.
Justin: Of course, Mom. You rock.
Speaking About Vegetables Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Veggies
Meaning: vegetables
Usage 1: Veggies are nutritious and tasty.
Usage 2: Fresh market veggies are the best.
Word: On the way
Meaning: on the route to a destination
Usage 1: I’ll grab a coffee on the way to work.
Usage 2: On the way to the store, I remembered that I needed to pick up some milk.
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