Talk about Television – Pros & Cons of Television

Two friends talk about television in this video. One of them is obsessed with watching television and, as a result, skips out on his outdoor sports activities. The other buddy, on the other hand, is merely interested in it for the sake of information. Now they’re disputing whether or not viewing TV is beneficial. It is critical to discuss the things we do in our daily lives since only then will we be able to determine if these routines are beneficial or detrimental. And in this way, we’ll be able to hear a variety of perspectives on the same subject, broadening our horizons.

All of the Dialogues from Talk about Television video

talk about television

Justin: Good Day Mrs. Smith.
Mrs. Smith: Hello Justin. Are you here to see Kevin?
Justin: Yes, I wish to talk to him for a minute.
Mrs. Smith: Okay, please come in. He is in his room.
Justin: Thank you Mrs. Smith. By the way the house is smelling really good.
Mrs. Smith: Ah, I’m preparing meat stew for the supper. I will send for both of you in the room.
Justin: That’s so sweet of you Mrs. Smith.

(Justin enters in Kevin’s bedroom)

Justin: Hey Kevin, what’s up buddy?
Kevin: My goodness. What a surprise!
Justin: Thought to drop in on my way back home. Why didn’t you attend the football coaching today?
Kevin: I was glued to my television set running my favorite TV show, hence decided to bunk the session. That’s all.
Justin: Hm, you are impossible.
Kevin: What’s wrong in that?
Justin: Seriously? You don’t find anything wrong with that?
Kevin: Not at all. Let me know your version.
Justin: I mean, television is for our entertainment. We should watch TV at our leisure and it’s a no alternative to outdoor activities.
Kevin: Are you trying to lecture me?
Justin: Don’t get me wrong.
Kevin: So, you mean I shouldn’t be watching TV.
Justin: I’m just trying to tell you that you should watch TV when you are free without disturbing your routine. That’s it.
Kevin: Okay, you tell me one thing; don’t you watch TV?
Justin: Yes of course, I do. Every morning at the breakfast table.
Kevin: That’s what I wanted to hear. Why one should watch TV in the morning when you have other priorities.
Justin: You are again getting me wrong mate. I watch news daily in the morning so that I’m aware what’s happening in my country and in my society.
Kevin: But we both watch TV then why only I’m doing wrong.
Justin: Long story short my friend, make use of television but in the process don’t drain yourself out.
Kevin: What do you mean?

pros and cons of television

Justin: I mean there are n number of programs being telecasted these days. But not all make sense. Making it your priority might soon fatigue you.
Kevin: But how anyone supposed to be knowing that what is useful and what is useless?
Justin: It’s very simple. Programs that serve you as informative are useful but those that are overdoing are useless.
Kevin: I guess you are right. Watching television should either broaden your knowledge or kill your boredom and nothing more.
Justin: I’m glad, you got me.

(Knock at the door)

Mrs. Smith: Boys here is the meat stew for both of you. Enjoy your supper.
Justin: Thank you Mrs. Smith.
Kevin: Wow mom, this is very delicious and different than what you always prepare.
Mrs. Smith: Yes, that is because I just learnt it on a cookery show and thought to try it. I’m glad you liked it. Cookery shows are really useful.
Kevin/Justin: That’s so true. (smile)

Talk about Television Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Bunk
Meaning: to skip or not attend something
Usage 1: I had to bunk my math class yesterday.
Usage 2: She decided to bunk the meeting and go for a walk instead.

Word: Leisure
Meaning: free time or time available for relaxation and enjoyment
Usage 1: He likes to spend his leisure time watching movies.
Usage 2: She plans to go on a leisure trip during her vacation.

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