Talking about Pets and Animals in English
There is no question that we all take great pleasure in talking about pets and having them at our homes. We all have a lot of affection for them, and as a result, we experience joy while we are in their company. On the other hand, there are others whose hectic lifestyles have left them with little time to learn about pets. If you run into folks like these, you should seize the opportunity to educate them about animals and pets by starting a conversation with them about these topics. Because it is of the utmost significance that we all have a soft spot in our hearts for animals and that we provide homes for them just as we have for ourselves. In order to further this admirable idea, we have prepared a brand new English lesson for you all, which is an English conversation about pets and animals. This lesson will assist you with the vocabulary and dialogues associated with these topics.
All of the dialogues from Talking about Pets and Animals video
(Harry notices Justin in the park walking his dog)
Harry: Good Morning Justin. How are you buddy?
Justin: Morning Harry. I’m fit as always.
Harry: Is this your dog?
Justin: Yes, his name is Milo.
Harry: Wow, it looks quite big and dashing. Is it Doberman?
Justin: It is Great Dane. I know they look quite similar. I see people often confusing it for a Doberman.
Harry: Hhmm, I never heard about Great Dane.
Justin: I understand. Many of them aren’t aware of this breed. They are originally from Germany.
Harry: Amazing! So, you got it transported from Germany?
Justin: Not really. This breed is big in number and can be found in most of the countries around the world without any issues.
Harry: That’s kind of news to me. I like its glossy black color. Looks like a gentle giant but does not seem so.
Justin: Ha haha, that isn’t true. He surely is a very friendly and affectionate animal.
Harry: I want to believe you but unfortunately, I can’t as I see him aggressive in nature.
Justin: You will believe me only when you will initiate.
Harry: And how am I supposed to be doing that?
Justin: Don’t you want to stroke him?
Harry: I would love to, as long as he doesn’t bite me. You know I’m very scared of dogs.
Justin: Don’t worry, he will not bite you. He actually enjoys meeting new people. Especially when he sees me being friendly with them.
Harry: Oh, so he does observe you minutely.
Justin: Yes, he can read the love and hate body language very well and that is how he changes his temperament.
Harry: Wow, I’m impressed. You know lot many things about this breed.
Justin: Don’t forget. Call him Milo.
Harry: Okay, I’m sorry. So, what does he eat?
Justin: There are plenty of varieties of dogfood available in supermarket. And he especially enjoys the meat-based food products.
Harry: Great, so who buys that stuff for him?
Justin: I go shopping with Milo and he selects whatever he wants.
Harry: Amazing.
Justin: Don’t you have any pet Harry?
Harry: No offense but I honestly don’t approve pets. I don’t have much time for myself and taking care of a pet is an impossible thing for me.
Justin: Hhmm I understand but it’s not that difficult to handle them. They are just like us; their needs are not different than us. Consider them as humans and everything just becomes easy.
Harry: What a great thought Justin. I will surely think about this. Maybe one day, I will have a pet dog too.
Justin: It was nice meeting you Harry. I got to go now as I have to visit the pet supply store.
Harry: Pet supply store for what?
Justin: To buy some dogfood, toys and some t-shirts for my Milo. He loves shopping. I told you.
Harry: Alright buddy. Take care. See you soon.
Justin: You too mate.
Talking about Pets and Animals Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Great Dane
Meaning: Large German breed of domestic dog
Usage 1: The Great Dane is a gentle giant that requires a lot of space.
Usage 2: Justin’s Great Dane, Milo, loves going for long walks.
Word: Doberman
Meaning: Medium-large breed often mistaken for Great Dane
Usage 1: The Doberman is a highly intelligent breed.
Usage 2: Some people mistake the Great Dane for a Doberman.
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