A Dime a Dozen: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “a dime a dozen” is used to describe something that is common or abundant and therefore not very valuable or unique. It suggests that the item or quality in question is so readily available that it is not worth much and is easily replaceable.

The phrase likely originates from the United States in the 19th century, when a dime was a relatively low value coin and “a dozen” referred to a unit of quantity. Therefore, this is something that was easily obtained and not considered valuable.

For example, someone might say, “These cheap plastic toys are a dime a dozen,” meaning that the toys are common and easily found everywhere, and thus, are not valuable or unique.

Another example might be, “In this job market, college degrees are a dime a dozen,” indicating that a college degree is no longer as rare or valuable as it used to be and that employers may be looking for additional qualifications or experience.

In everyday conversation, people often use the phrase to describe things that are abundant or overly common. This can refer to anything from mass-produced goods to certain qualities or traits in people, such as kindness or intelligence. However, it is important to note that the phrase can sometimes be considered negative or dismissive, implying that the object or person being discussed is not valuable or noteworthy.

Overall, the idiom is used to convey the idea that something is common or plentiful and therefore not particularly valuable or unique. It is a reminder that rarity and uniqueness are often qualities that add value to something, whether it be an object or a person.

a dime a dozen

Sentences on “A Dime a Dozen”

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