“All Thumbs”: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The phrase “all thumbs” is an idiomatic expression that is used to describe someone who is clumsy or awkward, especially with their hands. When someone is described as being “all thumbs,” it means they are having difficulty performing a task that requires manual dexterity, coordination, and precision.

The origin of the phrase lies in the concept that an individual who lacks coordination or is awkward in handling objects tends to rely on the larger, less agile digit on their hand, as opposed to the more nimble fingers, when trying to manipulate things or accomplish tasks that require finesse. This puts them at a disadvantage as the fingers are typically more adept at delicate movements than the thumb.

The phrase can be used to describe someone who is not just physically clumsy with their hands, but also someone who is generally awkward or inept in their actions or behavior. For example, someone who is struggling to complete a simple task might be described as “all thumbs,” or someone who is socially awkward might be said to be “all thumbs” in their interactions with others.

Overall, the phrase is used to describe someone who is having difficulty with manual tasks, and it is often used to convey a sense of humor or lightheartedness in situations where clumsiness or awkwardness is causing frustration or inconvenience.

All Thumbs

Sentences on “All Thumbs”

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