“As Easy as Pie”: Meaning, Examples and Sentences
Elaboration and Examples:
The phrase “as easy as pie” is an idiomatic expression that is used to describe a task or activity that is very easy or simple to accomplish. When someone uses this phrase, they are comparing the ease of the task to that of eating a slice of pie, which is typically seen as a simple and enjoyable activity.
The phrase “as easy as pie” likely originated in the United States in the 19th century, when pie-making was a common activity in many households. At the time, the phrase referred to the process of making the dish from scratch, which involved a series of straightforward steps and was seen as a relatively simple and enjoyable activity.
Today, the phrase is used more broadly to describe any task or activity that is considered to be very easy or simple to accomplish. For example, someone might say that a particular math problem is “as easy as pie,” or that a household chore is “as easy as pie,” to indicate that the task can be completed quickly and without much difficulty.
The phrase can also be used in a sarcastic or ironic way to describe a task or activity that is actually quite difficult or challenging. In this context, the phrase is used to indicate that the task may appear simple on the surface, but is actually more complex than it seems.
Overall, the phrase is a way to describe a task or activity that is very easy or simple to accomplish, and is commonly used in both a literal and figurative sense.

Sentences on “As Easy as Pie”
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