“Come Rain or Shine”: Meaning, Examples and Sentences
Elaboration and Examples:
“Come rain or shine” is an idiom that means that something will happen regardless of any obstacles or difficulties that may arise. The phrase suggests that the event or activity in question will take place no matter what the circumstances are, be it good or bad weather, or any other adverse condition that might come up.
The phrase is often used to describe someone’s commitment or dedication to a particular task or activity, indicating that they are fully committed to seeing it through to the end, regardless of any challenges that may arise along the way. For example, if someone says “I will be there come rain or shine,” it means that they will be present and participate in an event, no matter what the weather conditions may be.
The origin of this phrase is unclear, but it is believed to have been derived from an old English proverb, “whether it rain or snow, or hail, or blow,” which conveyed a similar idea of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity.
Overall, the idiom “Come rain or shine” is a way of expressing a strong commitment to a particular goal or activity, regardless of any obstacles that may arise. It conveys the idea of a steadfast and unwavering dedication to seeing something through to completion, no matter what challenges or difficulties may arise along the way.

Sentences on “Come Rain or Shine”
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