“Cry over Spilled Milk”: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

“Cry over spilled milk” is a popular idiom used to describe someone who is upset or unhappy about something that has already happened and cannot be changed. The phrase suggests that the person is wasting their energy on something that is unimportant or futile, like crying over spilled milk that cannot be put back in the container.

The origin of this idiom dates back to the early 1800s, when it was commonly used in both British and American English. At the time, milk was a common household item, and spilling it was a frequent occurrence. The phrase was often used to remind people not to get upset over minor accidents or mistakes.

Today, the expression “cry over spilled milk” is widely used in both formal and informal settings to describe someone who is upset over something that cannot be changed. It can be used to suggest that the person should move on and focus on more productive or positive things.

Here’s an example to help illustrate the meaning of this idiom:

Samantha was devastated when she found out that she had missed the deadline for the scholarship application. She kept crying and lamenting about how she had missed the opportunity, but her friends kept telling her not to cry over spilled milk. They suggested that she focus on other scholarships or find other ways to finance her education.

In this example, Samantha’s friends are telling her not to be upset because the scholarship application deadline has passed and she cannot change that fact. They are suggesting that she focus on more productive ways to achieve her goals instead of dwelling on something that is out of her control.

Cry over Spilled Milk

Sentences on “Cry over Spilled Milk”

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