“Down to the Wire”: Meaning, Examples and Sentences
Elaboration and Examples:
“Down to the wire” is an idiom used to describe a situation where something is about to be finished or decided, and there is very little time left before a deadline or an event. It is often used to describe a close competition or a situation where the outcome is uncertain until the very end.
The origin of this idiom is believed to be from horse racing, where a wire was strung across the finish line to help determine the winner of a race. If the horses were neck-and-neck as they approached the finish line, it would be a close race that could be decided by the wire.
Today, the expression “down to the wire” is commonly used in a variety of contexts, from sports to politics to business, to describe any situation where time is running out and a decision or outcome is imminent.
Here are a few examples of how the phrase “down to the wire” can be used:
- The final game of the World Cup was down to the wire, with both teams tied at 1-1 as the clock ran down. In the final seconds of the game, one team scored a winning goal, securing their victory and the championship title.
In this example, “down to the wire” is used to describe a very close and intense competition that was undecided until the very end. The outcome of the game was uncertain until the final seconds, when one team was able to secure a win.
- The negotiations for the new contract went down to the wire, with both sides unable to come to an agreement until the last minute. A compromise was finally reached just minutes before the deadline.
In this example, “down to the wire” is used to describe a situation where time was running out and the outcome was uncertain until the last minute. The negotiations were intense and difficult, but a solution was finally reached just in time to meet the deadline.
Overall, the phrase conveys a sense of urgency and excitement, often in situations where the stakes are high and the outcome is uncertain. It is a versatile idiom that can be used in a variety of contexts to describe situations where time is running out and a decision or outcome is imminent.

Sentences on “Down to the Wire”
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