“Fit as a Fiddle”: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “fit as a fiddle” means to be in good physical health, usually used to describe someone who is healthy and well. The phrase has been in use since the 1600s and has its origins in the world of music.

In the past, the term “fiddle” was used to refer to a musical instrument, specifically a violin. A fiddle was considered to be a very delicate instrument that needed to be maintained and kept in good condition to sound its best. Similarly, a person who was in good physical health was said to be healthy implying that they were being well-maintained and kept in good condition.

Here are a few examples of how the phrase can be used:

  1. After months of training, Jane was as fit as a fiddle and ready to run the marathon.

In this example, the phrase is used to describe Jane’s good physical health after months of training. The phrase implies that she is in excellent condition and ready to take on the challenge of running a marathon.

  1. Despite his advanced age, John remained fit as a fiddle and was able to continue playing tennis regularly.

In this example, the phrase is used to describe John’s good physical health despite his age. The phrase implies that he is still in excellent condition and able to continue playing tennis regularly.

Overall, the phrase is used to describe someone who is in good physical health and well-maintained, much like a well-maintained and tuned musical instrument.

Fit as a Fiddle

Sentences on “Fit as a Fiddle”

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