“Flying off the Handle”: Meaning, Examples and Sentences
Elaboration and Examples:
The idiom “flying off the handle” is used to describe someone who suddenly and uncontrollably becomes angry or loses their temper. When someone “flies off the handle,” they react in an explosive and uncontrolled manner, often over something relatively minor.
The origin of this phrase is thought to date back to the 1800s when axes were commonly used to chop wood. Axes were typically made with a head that was fastened to the handle with a wooden wedge or pin. If the wedge became loose, the head of the axe could come off unexpectedly and fly off the handle, creating a dangerous situation. This unexpected and uncontrolled movement is said to have inspired the phrase “flying off the handle” to describe someone losing their temper in an uncontrolled way.
Here are a few examples of how the phrase can be used:
- I asked my boss for a day off and he flew off the handle, yelling at me for no reason.
In this example, the phrase is used to describe the sudden and uncontrolled anger that the boss displays in response to a simple request.
- Every time we bring up the topic of politics, my aunt flies off the handle and starts yelling.
In this example, the phrase is used to describe the aunt’s tendency to become explosively angry whenever politics is mentioned.
Overall, the phrase is used to describe someone who becomes suddenly and uncontrollably angry, often over something relatively minor. The phrase’s origins in the uncontrolled movement of an axe head flying off its handle add to the imagery of the sudden and unexpected outburst of anger.

Sentences on “Flying off the Handle”
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