“Foot in the Door”: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “foot in the door” is used to describe a situation where a person gains initial entry or establishes a small presence in a particular field, organization or activity, with the intention of achieving a greater objective in the future. The term is typically used in business or sales contexts, where a salesperson might use a small request or favor to gain the trust and attention of a potential customer, with the ultimate goal of making a larger sale.

The origin of the phrase is unclear, but it is thought to have originated in the mid-twentieth century, possibly in the context of door-to-door salesmen who would use a small purchase or favor to establish a relationship with a potential customer.

Here are a few examples of how the phrase can be used:

  1. After interning at the company for a few months, she was finally able to get her foot in the door and secure a full-time job.

In this example, the phrase is used to describe the initial entry into a company, which led to the securing of a permanent job.

  1. The charity organization sent a small request for a donation to the company, hoping to get their foot in the door and eventually secure larger donations.

In this example, the phrase is used to describe the small request made by the charity organization as a means of establishing a relationship with the company and eventually securing larger donations.

Overall, the idiom “foot in the door” is used to describe a small initial step or entry into a field, organization or activity, with the ultimate goal of achieving a larger objective. The phrase’s origins in door-to-door sales add to its connotations of initial entry and the establishment of a relationship with a potential customer.

Foot in the Door

Sentences on “Foot in the Door”

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