“Go the Extra Mile”: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “go the extra mile” is an expression that means to make an additional effort or do more than what is expected of you, often to achieve a better outcome or to exceed the expectations of others.

This phrase is often used in a professional context, where going the more steps or mile can lead to better job performance and greater success. For example, an employee who goes above and beyond their job responsibilities and puts in additional effort to complete tasks or assist coworkers is someone who is said to go the extra mile.

In a personal context, going the extra mile can refer to making an additional effort to show someone that you care about them, such as doing something special for a loved one or going out of your way to help a friend in need.

This also expresses about putting in a level of effort that is beyond the norm or expected level of effort. It involves taking additional steps and often requires extra time and resources. Going the more steps is a way to distinguish oneself from others and demonstrate dedication, determination, and commitment to a task or goal.

Overall, the phrase encourages individuals to push themselves beyond their limits and exceed expectations, whether in their personal or professional life.

Go the Extra Mile

Sentences on “Go the Extra Mile”

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