“It’s Raining Cats and Dogs”: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “It’s raining cats and dogs” means that it is pouring very heavily. The phrase is used to describe a heavy rainstorm where the rain is coming down so hard that it seems like animals are falling from the sky.

The origin of the idiom is unclear, but there are several theories. One theory is that it comes from the Norse mythology of Odin, the god of storms, who was often depicted with dogs and wolves. Another theory is that in the past, animals like cats and dogs would sleep on the roofs of houses, and during heavy rain, they would be washed off and seen in the streets.

By using this idiom people are usually expressing that the rain is coming down in torrents and that it’s difficult to see or move around. This phrase is often used as hyperbole to describe a heavy rainstorm.

The idiom can also be used to describe a situation that is chaotic or disorganized, similar to the way a heavy rainstorm can create chaos and disruption. For example, “The meeting was a disaster, it was like it was raining cats and dogs in there with all the arguing and shouting.”

Overall, it is an expressive and vivid way to describe heavy rain and the chaos it can bring.

Its Raining Cats and Dogs

Sentences on “It’s Raining Cats and Dogs”

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