Let the Cat out of the Bag: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “let the cat out of the bag” means to reveal a secret or disclose information that was intended to be kept hidden or confidential. It refers to the act of unintentionally or deliberately exposing something that was meant to remain unknown. When someone “lets the cat out of the bag,” they disclose information that was supposed to be kept a secret, often causing surprise, disappointment, or even trouble.

The origin of this phrase is not entirely clear, but one theory suggests that it comes from the practice of dishonest market sellers. They would sell live piglets, which were valuable, in bags. However, some sellers would substitute a less valuable cat in the bag, hoping to deceive the buyer. If the cat escaped or was accidentally revealed, the deceit would be exposed.

Here are two examples that illustrate the usage of the idiom:

Example 1:

“I can’t believe you let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party! Now our friend knows, and the whole plan is ruined.” Elaboration: In this example, someone accidentally revealed the secret about a surprise party. The phrase is used to convey that the secret was disclosed, leading to disappointment and spoiling the surprise. It highlights the consequences of revealing confidential information.

Example 2:

“She let the cat out of the bag and told everyone about her sister’s new job offer before she had a chance to accept it.” Elaboration: In this example, someone intentionally disclosed information about a job offer that was meant to be kept confidential. The idiom is used to suggest that the secret was exposed, potentially causing problems for the sister who hadn’t made her decision yet. It emphasizes the act of revealing information prematurely.

Overall, the idiom describes the act of divulging a secret or confidential information. It conveys the idea that something hidden has been unexpectedly revealed, often leading to consequences or complications. It’s important to exercise discretion and consider the potential impact before letting the cat out of the bag.

Let the Cat out of the Bag

Sentences on “Let the Cat out of the Bag”

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