Long in the Tooth: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “long in the tooth” is a figurative expression used to describe someone who is old or aging. It suggests that the person has lived a long life and may show signs of physical aging, particularly in reference to their teeth. The idiom implies that the person has been around for a significant amount of time and may have experienced wear and tear, much like teeth that become worn down as a person ages.

The phrase is often used humorously or affectionately to refer to someone who is advanced in years or to make light-hearted remarks about aging. While it originally referred specifically to the condition of a horse’s teeth as an indicator of its age, the idiom has now expanded to describe people in general.

Here are two examples that illustrate the usage of the idiom:

Example 1:

“Grandma may be long in the tooth, but she can still tell the best stories.” Elaboration: In this example, the idiom is used to affectionately describe Grandma as old, implying that she has lived a long and eventful life. The phrase acknowledges her age while also emphasizing her wisdom and storytelling abilities.

Example 2:

“The professor may be long in the tooth, but his knowledge and experience are invaluable.” Elaboration: In this example, the idiom is used to acknowledge the professor’s age while highlighting the value of his extensive knowledge and experience. The phrase suggests that despite his age, the professor’s expertise and wisdom make him an invaluable resource in the academic field.

Overall, the idiom “long in the tooth” conveys the idea of someone being old or aging, often with a touch of humor or affection. It acknowledges the passage of time and the physical signs of aging, particularly in reference to teeth, while also recognizing the value and wisdom that can come with age.

Long in the Tooth

Sentences on “Long in the Tooth”

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