Make Ends Meet: Meaning, Examples and Sentences
Elaboration and Examples:
The idiom “make ends meet” means to manage one’s financial resources in such a way that all necessary expenses are covered, despite limited income or financial constraints. It refers to the ability to meet basic needs and maintain a reasonable standard of living, even if it requires careful budgeting and frugality.
When someone is making ends meet, they are effectively balancing their income and expenses to ensure that there is no deficit or outstanding debt. It involves careful planning, prioritization, and sometimes making sacrifices in order to cover essential expenses such as housing, food, utilities, and transportation.
Example 1:
Imagine a single parent working a minimum wage job to support their family. They have to pay for rent, groceries, utilities, and childcare expenses. Despite their limited income, they carefully budget and prioritize their expenses to make ends meet. They might opt for affordable housing, shop for discounted groceries, use public transportation, and find ways to reduce energy consumption. By managing their resources wisely, they are able to cover their essential expenses and provide for their family’s basic needs.
Example 2:
Consider a recent college graduate who has just started their first job. They have student loan payments, rent, utilities, groceries, and other living expenses to take care of. Their starting salary may not be sufficient to cover all these costs comfortably, so they need to make ends meet. They create a budget, track their expenses, and find ways to reduce non-essential spending. They might choose to cook meals at home instead of eating out, minimize entertainment expenses, and find affordable ways to meet their social needs. By making conscious financial decisions and adjusting their lifestyle, they are able to make ends meet while working towards achieving their financial goals.
In both examples, making ends meet requires careful planning, budgeting, and resource management. It may involve making compromises, setting priorities, and finding creative solutions to reduce expenses. By ensuring that income covers essential expenses, individuals can maintain financial stability and avoid falling into debt or financial hardship.

Sentences on “Make Ends Meet”
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