Make Ends Meet: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “make ends meet” means to manage one’s financial resources in such a way that all necessary expenses are covered, despite limited income or financial constraints. It refers to the ability to meet basic needs and maintain a reasonable standard of living, even if it requires careful budgeting and frugality.

When someone is making ends meet, they are effectively balancing their income and expenses to ensure that there is no deficit or outstanding debt. It involves careful planning, prioritization, and sometimes making sacrifices in order to cover essential expenses such as housing, food, utilities, and transportation.

Example 1:

Imagine a single parent working a minimum wage job to support their family. They have to pay for rent, groceries, utilities, and childcare expenses. Despite their limited income, they carefully budget and prioritize their expenses to make ends meet. They might opt for affordable housing, shop for discounted groceries, use public transportation, and find ways to reduce energy consumption. By managing their resources wisely, they are able to cover their essential expenses and provide for their family’s basic needs.

Example 2:

Consider a recent college graduate who has just started their first job. They have student loan payments, rent, utilities, groceries, and other living expenses to take care of. Their starting salary may not be sufficient to cover all these costs comfortably, so they need to make ends meet. They create a budget, track their expenses, and find ways to reduce non-essential spending. They might choose to cook meals at home instead of eating out, minimize entertainment expenses, and find affordable ways to meet their social needs. By making conscious financial decisions and adjusting their lifestyle, they are able to make ends meet while working towards achieving their financial goals.

In both examples, making ends meet requires careful planning, budgeting, and resource management. It may involve making compromises, setting priorities, and finding creative solutions to reduce expenses. By ensuring that income covers essential expenses, individuals can maintain financial stability and avoid falling into debt or financial hardship.

Make Ends Meet

Sentences on “Make Ends Meet”

As I prepare to enter college, I’m beginning to understand the importance of making ends meet and managing my finances responsibly.

As I start thinking about my future career, I aim to choose a field that offers financial stability to ensure I can make ends meet and support myself independently.

By budgeting wisely and cutting back on unnecessary expenses, I can make ends meet while still enjoying occasional social activities with friends.

I actively search for scholarships and financial aid opportunities to alleviate the burden of educational expenses and make ends meet more comfortably.

I appreciate the financial discussions my parents involve me in, as it helps me understand the reality of managing finances and making ends meet.

I help out around the house by doing chores to make ends meet, like cleaning, organizing, and taking care of my younger siblings.

I know my parents work hard to make ends meet, so I try not to ask for expensive toys or gadgets.

I understand that sometimes we have to cut back on non-essential expenses, like eating out or buying unnecessary gadgets, in order to make ends meet.

I’m actively researching and pursuing career paths that offer financial security to ensure I can make ends meet and have a stable future.

I’m learning about investing and long-term financial planning to secure my financial stability and make ends meet in the future.

I’ve learned to be conscious of my spending habits and make thoughtful choices to ensure I can make ends meet while saving for my future.

I’ve learned to be resourceful and find ways to save money, such as shopping for second-hand clothes or using coupons, to help my family make ends meet.

I’ve learned to prioritize my spending and make informed choices, like buying used textbooks or borrowing from the library, to make ends meet while still pursuing my academic goals.

I’ve started exploring part-time freelance opportunities or side gigs to generate additional income and make ends meet more effectively.

I’ve taken on a part-time job after school to contribute to my family’s efforts in making ends meet and saving for my future education.

I’ve taken on a part-time job to contribute to my personal expenses and help make ends meet while still focusing on my studies.

My mom and dad work really hard to make ends meet. They have jobs and take turns making dinner every night.

My mom clips coupons and looks for sales at the grocery store to save money and make ends meet with our food budget.

My mom is a master at meal planning and finding budget-friendly recipes to make ends meet with our grocery budget.

My parents always stress the importance of making ends meet, especially as I approach college and start thinking about financial independence.

My parents always tell me that we need to make ends meet, which means we have to be careful with our money and spend it wisely.

My parents and I have open discussions about our family’s budget and how we can collectively make ends meet without sacrificing our needs.

My parents have a jar where they put spare change, and at the end of the month, they use it to make ends meet for any unexpected expenses.

My parents have encouraged me to explore scholarship opportunities to lessen the financial burden of college and make ends meet more comfortably.

My parents have taught me the value of budgeting and saving money to ensure we can make ends meet without sacrificing our quality of life.

My parents have taught me the value of living within my means and avoiding unnecessary debt to ensure I can make ends meet without financial stress.

My parents have taught me to appreciate the value of money and not waste it unnecessarily so that we can make ends meet.

My parents sometimes work extra hours or take on side jobs to make ends meet and have enough money for our family’s needs.

My parents teach me to be grateful for the things we have and to not waste anything because it helps us make ends meet.

Sometimes we have to skip going to the movies or eating out so that we can make ends meet and have enough money for groceries.

Sometimes, my parents have to work extra hours or take on extra jobs to make ends meet and provide for our family.

Sometimes, we have to buy clothes and shoes from thrift stores or have hand-me-downs from older siblings to make ends meet.

We buy clothes at thrift stores because they are cheaper, and it helps my parents make ends meet with our clothing expenses.

We carpool with our neighbors to save on gas money and make ends meet with our transportation costs.

We have a family budget meeting every month, where we discuss our expenses and find ways to save money and make ends meet together.

We have a family meeting every month where we talk about ways we can save money and make ends meet together.

We have a jar at home where we save spare change to help make ends meet in case of unexpected expenses.

We have a vegetable garden in our backyard, and it helps us save money on fresh produce and make ends meet with our grocery budget.

We take advantage of free activities in our community, like going to the park or attending local events, to have fun without spending a lot of money.

We’ve made adjustments to our lifestyle, like reducing our energy consumption or carpooling, to save money and make ends meet while also being mindful of the environment.