On thin Ice: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “on thin ice” is often used metaphorically to describe a situation where someone is in a precarious or risky position. It implies that the person is treading on unstable or dangerous ground and any misstep could lead to negative consequences. It can also refer to being in a delicate or vulnerable situation where one is at risk of facing severe repercussions.

Example 1:

Imagine a student who has been struggling with their grades throughout the semester. They are already on thin ice with their parents and need to improve their performance. However, they choose to skip studying for an important exam and go out with friends instead. This decision puts them on even thinner ice as they risk failing the exam and facing serious consequences from their parents.

Example 2:

Let’s say there is an employee at a company who consistently arrives late to work and neglects their assigned tasks. They are already on thin ice with their supervisor, who has given them several warnings. One day, the employee decides to leave work early without permission, further exacerbating their precarious situation. This action puts them in a position where they could potentially face termination or other disciplinary actions.

In both examples, the individuals are metaphorically walking on thin ice by engaging in behaviors that worsen their already risky situations. They are taking actions that increase the likelihood of negative outcomes and consequences. The idiom serves as a warning that their actions are pushing the boundaries and any further misstep could result in severe repercussions.

On thin Ice

Sentences on “On thin Ice”

I was told not to touch Mom’s favorite vase, but I accidentally knocked it over. Now I feel like I’m on thin ice with her.

My teacher already warned me about talking during class, and today I couldn’t resist whispering to my friend. I know I’m on thin ice with her now.

I promised my little sister that I would help her with her homework, but I forgot. She’s mad at me, and I feel like I’m on thin ice with her.

I borrowed my friend’s toy without asking, and now he’s upset with me. I feel like I’m on thin ice with him and need to make it right.

I accidentally broke my dad’s favorite mug. He wasn’t happy about it, and now I’m on thin ice with him until I can replace it.

I didn’t finish my chores on time, and now my mom doesn’t trust me. I feel like I’m on thin ice and need to show her that I can be responsible.

I stayed up past my bedtime even though my parents told me not to. Now I’m on thin ice and need to prove that I can follow the rules.

I lost my friend’s game and now he’s upset with me. I feel like I’m on thin ice with him and need to apologize and make it up to him.

I accidentally spilled juice on my sister’s favorite book. She’s really mad, and I’m on thin ice until I can find a way to fix it.

I forgot to feed my pet hamster for a whole day, and now I feel like I’m on thin ice with him. I need to take extra care of him to regain his trust.

I borrowed my friend’s phone without asking and accidentally dropped it. Now I’m on thin ice with him because he’s really upset.

I forgot to do my homework for a week straight, and now my teacher is giving me extra assignments. I feel like I’m on thin ice academically.

I broke my mom’s favorite vase while playing indoors, and she’s really mad at me. I know I’m on thin ice with her until I can find a way to make it up.

I got caught sneaking out of the house past curfew, and now my parents don’t trust me. I feel like I’m on thin ice and need to regain their trust.

I accidentally revealed my friend’s secret to someone else, and now she doesn’t want to talk to me. I’m on thin ice with her and need to apologize sincerely.

I accidentally damaged my brother’s video game console, and he’s really angry with me. I feel like I’m on thin ice with him until I can fix it or replace it.

I lied to my best friend about something important, and now she’s questioning our friendship. I feel like I’m on thin ice and need to earn back her trust.

I accidentally dented my dad’s car while practicing parking, and he’s really disappointed in me. I’m on thin ice with him until I can find a way to fix it.

I forgot to water my friend’s plants while they were on vacation, and now they’re all wilted. I feel like I’m on thin ice with them and need to make it right.

I accidentally let my little sister’s pet hamster escape, and she’s devastated. I know I’m on thin ice with her until I can help find the hamster and make her feel better.

I failed a major test in school, and now my grades are slipping. I feel like I’m on thin ice with my parents because they expect better from me.

I got caught sneaking out to a party past my curfew, and now my parents don’t trust me. I’m on thin ice and need to prove that I can be responsible.

I borrowed my friend’s expensive camera and accidentally dropped it, damaging it. Now I’m on thin ice with them because they’re upset about the damage.

I missed several practices for my sports team, and now my coach is questioning my commitment. I feel like I’m on thin ice and need to step up my game.

I forgot about an important deadline for a school project, and now my teacher is disappointed in me. I’m on thin ice academically and need to make up for it.

I made a hurtful comment to one of my friends during an argument, and now they’re avoiding me. I know I’m on thin ice with them and need to apologize.

I accidentally damaged my sibling’s laptop, and now they’re furious with me. I feel like I’m on thin ice with them until I can find a way to fix it.

I borrowed money from my friend and forgot to pay them back on time. Now I’m on thin ice because they’re starting to doubt my reliability.

I made a big mistake at my part-time job and disappointed my boss. I’m on thin ice at work and need to prove that I can be more responsible.

I promised my parents I would improve my time management skills, but I’ve been slacking off. Now I’m on thin ice because they’re losing faith in my ability to change.

I got caught breaking my curfew for the third time this month, and now my parents are furious. I know I’m on thin ice and any more slip-ups could result in stricter consequences.

I’ve been struggling with my grades lately, and my teacher warned me that I’m on thin ice when it comes to passing the class. I need to buckle down and start studying harder.

I accidentally damaged my friend’s car when I borrowed it without permission. Now, I’m on thin ice with them and I’ll have to find a way to make it up to them.

I missed a crucial practice before an important game, and my coach warned me that I’m on thin ice when it comes to keeping my spot on the team. I need to show more commitment and dedication.

I borrowed money from my older sibling to go shopping, but I haven’t paid them back yet. They’ve warned me that I’m on thin ice and I need to repay them soon.

I made a thoughtless comment about someone’s appearance, not realizing how hurtful it was. Now, I’m on thin ice with my friends, and I need to apologize and make amends.

I failed to meet a deadline for a school project, and my teacher told me I’m on thin ice when it comes to my overall grade. I have to work extra hard to make up for it.

I accidentally spilled a drink on my friend’s expensive laptop, damaging it. They let me off with a warning, but I know I’m on thin ice and need to be more careful in the future.

I’ve been skipping my part-time job shifts without valid reasons, and my boss warned me that I’m on thin ice and my employment is at risk. I need to show up and perform better.

I promised my parents that I would be more responsible with my finances, but I’ve been overspending. They’ve told me I’m on thin ice when it comes to managing my money, and I need to make immediate changes.