Out of the Blue: Meaning, Examples and Sentences
Elaboration and Examples:
The idiom “out of the blue” is used to describe something that happens unexpectedly or without warning. It refers to a situation or event that occurs suddenly and catches you by surprise, as if it came from nowhere. The phrase suggests that there was no anticipation or preparation for the occurrence, making it all the more surprising.
Example 1:
Imagine you’re walking down the street, lost in your own thoughts, when suddenly you receive a phone call from a distant relative whom you haven’t spoken to in years. The call is completely out of the blue because you had no idea they would be reaching out to you. You’re taken aback by the unexpected conversation but also excited to reconnect and catch up with them.
Example 2:
Let’s say you’re at home, engrossed in a book or watching your favorite TV show, when there’s a knock on the door. When you open it, you find a package waiting for you, sent by a friend who lives in another country. This surprise delivery is completely out of the blue because you had no knowledge of them sending you anything. You’re filled with curiosity and joy as you open the package to discover the thoughtful gift inside.
In both examples, the events occur suddenly and without any prior indication, catching the individuals off guard. The element of surprise in these situations is what makes them instances of something happening out of the blue.

Sentences on “Out of the Blue”
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