Put All Your Cards on the Table: Meaning, Examples & Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “Put All Your Cards on the Table” means to be completely open, honest, and transparent about one’s thoughts, intentions, or information. It involves revealing everything and not holding back any important details or secrets. By using this idiom, one indicates their willingness to share information or engage in a straightforward conversation without any hidden agenda or deception.

Example 1:

Imagine two friends, Sarah and John, are planning a surprise birthday party for their mutual friend. Sarah wants to make sure they have all the necessary arrangements in place, so she tells John, “Let’s put all our cards on the table and discuss the party details openly. That way, we can make sure everything goes smoothly.” By using this idiom, Sarah encourages John to be honest and upfront about any ideas or concerns they may have, ensuring a successful surprise celebration.

Example 2:

During a business meeting, a company executive addresses the team, saying, “We need to put all our cards on the table regarding the company’s financial situation. Transparency is key if we want to come up with effective solutions.” Here, the executive emphasizes the importance of open communication and sharing all relevant information to collectively address the challenges and make informed decisions.

In both examples, the idiom “Put All Your Cards on the Table” encourages honesty, openness, and transparency in sharing information or discussing important matters. By doing so, it fosters trust, effective collaboration, and the opportunity to address any potential issues or concerns openly and honestly.

Put All Your Cards on the Table

Sentences on “Put All Your Cards on the Table”

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