So Far, So Good: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “So far, so good” encapsulates the notion of progress and optimism while acknowledging the possibility of future obstacles. This expression indicates that things have been proceeding positively up until a particular moment or milestone. It suggests a level of satisfaction with the current situation, while also recognizing that circumstances could change.

Example 1:

For instance, let’s consider Emily, who recently embarked on her role as a lifeguard at the local community pool. Following a week of rigorous training, she felt apprehensive about her inaugural day on duty. When her friend inquired about her experience, Emily responded with cautious optimism, stating, the idiom. I’ve already assisted several children with their swimming techniques, and fortunately, no major incidents have occurred. However, I am fully aware that I still have much to learn.”

Example 2:

Similarly, let’s examine Joshua, who was preparing for his final exams, which would determine his overall semester grade. After completing two exams, his friend inquired about his confidence level. Joshua replied, “So far, so good. I’ve dedicated considerable time and effort to studying for these exams, and I believe I performed well. Nevertheless, there are a few more exams ahead, so I must maintain my momentum.”

The idiom can be employed in diverse situations to express both satisfaction with the progress achieved thus far and a sense of careful optimism. It acknowledges the potential existence of challenges or uncertainties in the future while emphasizing the positive outcomes that have been attained up to the present moment.

So Far So Good

Sentences on “So Far, So Good”

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